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Are You Inflamed?

Screen Shot 2017-04-07 at 11.39.12 AMInflammation can be a good thing

Everyone has experienced the remarkable phenomenon of acute inflammation – a sprained ankle, splinter, or cut – and as a result have witnessed the affected area turn red, puffy and hot as your immune system rushes to your aid to assess the injury and fight any pathogen that might have entered your body.

A normal, healthy inflammatory response should flare up and die down again a short time later, as the healing process resolves the inflammation and the injury heals.

Pain and inflammation should not be chronic, it should go away – but what if it doesn’t?

Inflammatory Snowball Effect

Imagine if you kept injuring yourself in the same location repetitively. The result would be unresolved ongoing inflammation.

However, not all inflammation has a visible injury. For example, if there is inflammation in your gut, the only symptom may be some niggling gut issues, yet you cannot ‘see’ the problem. Nevertheless, there may be an inflammatory snowball effect occurring inside.

Unresolved inflammation, visible or not, becomes more problematic the longer it keeps interfering with the normal workings of your body, and has been linked to many types of chronic disease such as arthritis and type 2 diabetes. Your Practitioner can help with any ‘niggling’ issues, such as gut or maybe joint discomfort, to avoid the snowball effect occurring.

Stop inflammation going ‘through the roof’

Nobody wants to be in pain, and for optimal health it is important to stop abnormal inflammation in its tracks. Pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories are commonly used to help relieve persistent pain, however some medications may be accompanied by unwanted side effects if used ongoing. Fortunately, your Practitioner has a range of natural anti-inflammatory and pain relief solutions that can be individualised for your situation, whether you need acute care or more ongoing support.

Safe and natural solutions for inflammation

Many people are aware that fish oils reduce inflammation and can assist with joint conditions such as arthritis; however there are also herbal ingredients that offer safe and effective anti- inflammatory support, for example:

  • Turmeric – this traditional anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic herb has a long history of use for injuries, whilst recent research demonstrates it also helps reduce the swelling and pain of arthritic conditions. BCM-95® Turmeric has significantly enhanced absorption, meaning you get the benefit of this powerful herbs’ anti-inflammatory properties when you need it.
  • BosPure® Boswellia – another Ayurvedic herb, Boswellia has analgesic, antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory qualities. Boswellia can be used for all types of pain, but particularly arthritic or traumatic pain associated with inflammation.
  • The herbs Devils claw and Jamaica dogwood, when combined, not only help reduce pain, but decrease spasms and improve blood flow, therefore support the healing process.
  • These anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving herbs are ‘gut friendly’ and safe for long-term use. Your Practitioner can recommend the best anti-inflammatory combination for your needs.


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