Stressed? Try Medlab’s Mg Optima Relax!
January 19, 2016
Medlab Clinical’s latest product release Mg Optima Relax, is an innovative magnesium powder that is scientifically formulated to promote relaxation during times of stress.
Mg Optima Relax is great for: students, athletes, those of us in stressful jobs and people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
So if you need help relaxing, improving cognition, focus and attention, talk to one of our practitioners about Medlabs Mg Optima Relax!
Are You a Mutant? Anxiety and MTHFR
March 13, 2015
In a honest and insightful article, journalist Elisa Black chronicled her journey with anxiety.
With a life- long experience of crippling anxiety and poor outcomes with a number of treatments, Black discovered the cause – a genetic mutation of the MTHFR gene.
Ongoing research implicates MTHFR genetic mutations for mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Supplementing with specific B vitamins could go part of the way in modulating the expression of the MTHFR gene.
Free Initial Consult – At Your Place or Ours
February 25, 2015
At Emed we like to stay at the forefront of the Natural Health industry.
We believe that no matter where you are located in Australia or around the world, you deserve access the best Natural Health Practitioners, genetic/pathology testing and products available.
Therefore we are introducing a Free Initial Consultation for new and existing members.
Top 5 Smart Ways to Stop Headaches
April 12, 2014
The pain of a headache is unwelcome at the best of times and can be downright debilitating.
You may be reading this because you’ve experienced a headache that is so bad you’ve had to take a day off work. Or maybe you have had to shut yourself away in a darkened room for a few days until you could stand the light again.
Too often, this kind of headache or migraine drives people to pop an Imigran tablet and perhaps top it up with some Nurofen Plus. Emed urges you to put away the pharmaceutical drugs and consider these top 5 natural, safe and effective ways to halt headaches…
Genetic Link to Prevent Migraines Discovered
April 13, 2012
Something as simple as vitamin B supplements could change the lives of hundreds of thousands of migraine sufferers.
New research has discovered that 1 in 5 people prone to migraines have an enzyme that doesn’t work as well as other people. The MTHFR gene makes people susceptible to migraine attacks when there is a mutation or dysfunction in this gene.
Since some people don’t respond to current migraine remedies, this new research could significantly help those with a genetic predisposition to this condition.
Read on to find out how genetic testing and B vitamins can help reduce your migraines.