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Are You Inflamed?

April 7, 2017

Everyone has experienced the remarkable phenomenon of acute inflammation - a sprained ankle, splinter, or cut – and as a result have witnessed the affected area turn red, puffy and hot as your immune system rushes to your aid to assess the injury and fight any pathogen that might have entered your body.

A normal, healthy inflammatory response should flare up and die down again a short time later, as the healing process resolves the inflammation and the injury heals.

Pain and inflammation should not be chronic, it should go away - but what if it doesn’t?

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Glutathione: The Mother of All Antioxidants

It’s one of the most important molecule you need to stay healthy and prevent disease — There are more than 89,000 medical articles about it, yet you’ve probably never heard of it.

It’s the secret to prevent ageing, cancer, heart disease, dementia and more, and necessary to treat everything from autism to Alzheimer’s disease.

I’m talking about the mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier and maestro of the immune system: Glutathione.

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Soluble Fibre: New Weapon Against Asthma

April 6, 2017

A University of Newcastle study has shown fibre supplements positively altered the gut microbiota – a community of good and bad bacteria living in the bowel – and in turn reduced airway inflammation in asthmatics.

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Focus On Zinc – Not Just An Immune Nutrient

March 30, 2017

Zinc is an indispensable trace mineral playing an essential role in each and every cell.

In humans, zinc enzymes outnumber all other trace mineral-dependent enzymes combined, with over 300 zinc related mechanisms involved in normal body functioning.

Is it any wonder then that zinc is paramount in a myriad of biological processes?

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Supporting Vaginal Health with Probiotics

March 22, 2017

Women’s urogenital tracts abound with bacteria – when we have a dominance of ‘good’ bacteria, the vagina is healthy, but when ‘bad’ bacteria dominates, we can run into problems like bacterial vaginosis (BV) and candida infection (thrush).

While taking an oral probiotic, which may have additional benefits, can be the perfect tool for maintenance of vaginal health, a pessary may provide a fast-acting boost in good bacteria in times of imbalance.

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Under The Influence – Fatty Liver Disease in Children

March 8, 2017

In most countries, healthcare and welfare systems are legal pyramid schemes; that is, lots of young, healthy people have to pay in at the bottom, so that the few old, sick people can take out at the top.

But what if the young people are too sick to have jobs to pay in? What if they’re so sick they’re taking out?

Without a solid foundation, the whole pyramid collapses.

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To Sip or Not To Sip – Drinking Tea During Pregnancy

February 21, 2017

What did you last crave? Was it chocolate? Waffles? Upside-down sponge cake? Or was it a craving for a sip of toasty warm, delightedly delicious, mouth-wateringly aromatic tea?

With all of the warnings about consuming caffeinated drinks during pregnancy, many mums-to-be are hesitant to drink their favourite tea.

But is drinking tea during pregnancy safe? And if so, what types of tea are safe? To Sip Or Not To Sip?

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Codeine Crackdown: Painkillers Require Prescription From 2018

December 22, 2016

Codeine containing medicines like Nurofen Plus and Panadeine will require a prescription from 2018 amid ongoing concerns about overuse and abuse of the pain killer.

In response to growing concerns about addiction, overdoses and other harm caused by codeine, the Therapeutic Goods Administration has decided to re-schedule the drugs so people cannot buy them over the counter in a pharmacy from February 2018.

While an original decision on the re-scheduling of codeine products was meant to be made by November last year, Fairfax Media has previously reported on a quiet push by three large pharmaceutical lobby groups for a regulatory impact statement, which delayed the decision for 12 months.

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Business as Usual at Emed Over The Christmas Period

December 13, 2016

Over the Christmas and New Year period, when many healthcare practitioners are on holiday, Emed will be running as normal, supplying you with the best retail and Practitioner-Only Natural Medicine and health advice.

Emed will be closed on the public holidays which include Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day.

On behalf of all the Emed staff we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Emed Christmas Specials Have Arrived! Stock Up & Save Today

December 8, 2016

Every year we bring a little extra Christmas cheer with the Emed Christmas Specials Catalogue.

Stock up and save on your favourite natural medicines, gift packs and treats for the whole family.

All orders over $100 will receive a free gift!

Christmas specials start now and go through to 2nd January 2017.

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Simple Snack Ideas

December 5, 2016

Many people avoid snacks because they are afraid that snacks contribute to weight gain. However, a healthy snack can offer many health benefits and can even be included in a weight loss plan. Having a snack between meals prevents you from becoming so hungry that you reach for unhealthy junk food.

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Easy Healthy Snacks Recipes

If you’re after a healthy alternative to the usual afternoon sugar or fat ridden snack options, here are some great recipes that will satisfy your hunger without the extra calories.

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A Practical Guide To Motivation

Some days, it's really hard to get motivated to do all the tasks we need to do in a day. This can be because we feel tired, overwhelmed or we just don't feel like it.

Another possibility is that we've set up bad habits over a period of time, and these can be hard to break. There have been decades of scientific research into the motivation behind human and animal behaviour, and it all comes down to a very simple concept.

This is the result of a biological process that occurs in both humans and animals.

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MTHFR – A Drop In The Ocean

November 8, 2016

It seems that everywhere we look these days, there is something being written or spoken about MTHFR or methylation.

Awareness is growing, and patients and practitioners are requesting a test for the MTHFR gene.

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Four Corners Supplements & Safety Story

June 27, 2016

ABC Four Corners program, aired 16 May 2016, titled “Supplements and Safety” is based on a media story from the United States about products sold in North America.

It omits well-established facts attesting to the safety and stringent national regulation of such products in Australia.

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Boosting Melatonin Production & Sleep Better Tonight

June 9, 2016

If you suffer from occasional insomnia or if it’s a nightly battle for you, you’ve likely looked at all of the natural solutions currently out there

You may have even tried some melatonin supplements, and if you’re like many individuals, had some disappointing results.

While research has shown the body’s naturally-produced melatonin helps regulate sleep, synthetic melatonin has proven less than impressive.

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Rise Of The Superbugs

June 6, 2016

When penicillin and other antimicrobials became widely available after World War II, it was not long before their pathogenic targets began developing resistance to the drugs that were meant to quash them.

Drugs such as streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline and sulfonamide have lost much of their original potency, leaving us in a battle against the rise of the multi-drug- resistant “superbugs”.

Supplements which support normal gut immune function reduce pathogenic invasion without the problem of resistance, and can safely be used alongside antimicrobial therapy, or as stand-alone treatment where drug therapy fails or compromises your health.

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Folic Acid And Fertility – Doing More Harm Than Good?

May 25, 2016

No woman who’s expecting, or expecting to expect, can avoid the advice, from any doctor or health site worth its salt: Take folic acid.

But with levels of infertility, multiple miscarriages and failed IVF attempts on the rise, we need to take a closer look at our genetics – the MTHFR gene could be the key to conception.

The MTHFR gene directly dictates if folic acid, folinic acid or 5-MTHF is the best way to improve your folate levels for successful conception.

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Exercise Cuts the Risk for 13 Cancers

May 19, 2016

You know the virtues of regular physical activity: it can lower your risk of becoming overweight and can keep diseases like heart problems and diabetes at bay.

But can it help reduce the risk of cancer, too?

A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine sheds new light on that question.

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Top 8 Plant Based Foods High in Protein

April 28, 2016

No matter your reasons, one of the challenges for non-meat eaters is making sure they get enough protein every day.

But it’s not as big a deal as many think.

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Training Guide For Running

Training at high intensities can place greater nutritional demands on the body.  Fuelling your body to maximise energy metabolism, recovery and overall health is paramount to help you achieve best results.

A diet rich in a variety of plant foods providing healthy carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients is a great place to start.

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Oh No Oregano! We’ve Been Lied To!

April 14, 2016

Outrage spread across Australia last week when it was revealed that our most popular oregano brands only contained between 11% - 50% dried oregano herb.

The rest being made up of olive and sumac leaves, cheap substitutes which look very similar to oregano.

The shock results have prompted an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission probe, and calls for other imported herbs and spices checks.

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Something Smells Fishy – Antarctic Krill or Fish Oil?

April 11, 2016

With the rise of krill oil as a supplement it has become confusing to know whether to choose krill oil or to stick to fish oil. This article looks at both helping you choose the right product for your needs.

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Putting Out the Fire – Cranberry and UTIs

April 6, 2016

Have you tried antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections? Maybe the antibiotics  temporarily lessened the symptoms or perhaps they opened the door to recurrent infections that progressively got worse over time.

Cranberry supplements are well known for traditional use in herbal medicine in reducing the incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs).  Symptoms such as urinary irritation, discomfort and frequency of urination are rapidly relieved. Plus Liquid Cranberry is delicious so it is equally as useful for the whole family.

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Taxing Sugar – A Good Idea or Revenue Raising?

March 18, 2016

A sugar tax was announced in the UK recently as part of their 2016 budget.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer revealed he would be imposing a levy on the soft drinks industry, which is expected to raise £520m ($982,867,445 AU) annually.

TV chef Jamie Oliver has weighed into the debate telling the Australian government  to ‘pull your finger out’ and change its policy.

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Holding Our Fish Oils to the Highest Standard

When was the last time you asked about contaminant levels in the fish oil products you use?

The purity of fish oil is essential to its therapeutic value, while sustainable fishing practices are as important from an ethical standpoint.

Where do our practitioner brands stand in comparison to Australian standards? As you will read, Australian standards are not only upheld but are exceeded.

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Conventional Medical Treatments Being Turned on its Head

March 16, 2016

Doctors and other health professionals from 14 prestigious medical colleges in Australia and New Zealand have reviewed the evidence 61 of the most commonly sought medical treatments, tests and procedures and found them lacking.

As a result there will be sweeping changes to recommendations that were previously considered the norm.

This is a positive step for the health industry. By identifying unnecessary, wasteful and expensive treatment, our health and the health budget will become more efficacious and efficient.

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Managing Asthma – Your Step by Step Guide

March 9, 2016

Asthma can be a frightening condition to experience and horrible to witness.

One in ten people in Australia has asthma and it affects people of all ages.

In conjunction with intelligent application of conventional medicine and natural therapies, asthmas impact can be managed.

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Telomerase Me for a Longer Life

March 4, 2016

It is known that the vast majority of premature deaths in the western world could be prevented.

The diseases that kill us (high blood pressure, heart attacks, cancer) are not pre-programmed into our genes. For most of the leading causes of death, our genes usually account for only 10–20% of risk.

The other 80-90% of risk relates to our diet and lifestyle. The typical Western diet is the number one cause of premature death and the number-one cause of disability. Another way of framing this statistic is that a long and healthy life is largely a matter of choice.

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Were Herbal Supplements Linked to Organ Failure?

March 2, 2016

If recent headlines are to be believed herbal supplements are causing our organs to fail at an alarming rate!

ABC News headlined a story stating that at least six Australians needed organ transplants in the past five years after taking herbal supplements using green tea as a key example.

By utilsing practitioner ranges, we can be assured that the ingredients and formulas have all undergone stringent regulatory and safety processes under the governing body in Australia the TGA.

In this way we can minimise the near catastrophic health consequences experienced by some susceptible individuals.

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72 Million Tears for Johnson & Johnson

February 26, 2016

The American multinational company Johnson & Johnson has been ordered to pay $US 72 million to the family of a woman whose death from ovarian cancer was linked to using their talcum powder.

Jacqueline Fox had previously noted that she used two of the company’s talc-based products — Baby Powder and Shower to Shower — as feminine hygiene products for more than 35 years before being diagnosed with ovarian cancer three years ago.

The verdict opens up the floodgates for pending claims against Johnson & Johnson where there is currently 1200 lawsuits in the US from customers who claim they were not warned about the risks.

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Could Heartburn Medications Increase Dementia Risk?

February 24, 2016

You may have to rethink those heartburn drugs according to research  released in the Journal of American Medical Association Neurology on the 15th February 2016.

German researchers have determined there is an association between protein pump inhibitors and dementia.

For a medication that is only supposed to be taken in the short term and that there are other effective techniques and lifestyle modifications to manage heartburn, begs the question – are PPIs really necessary?


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Paracetamol Increases Risk of Asthma in Babies

February 17, 2016

Pregnant women may need to rethink taking paracetamol for pain relief as research has shown modest associations with taking paracetamol during pregnancy with a risk of developing asthma in the infant/child.

Worryingly the research also indicated that babies who were given paracetamol in the first 6 months of life were almost a third more likely to develop asthma.

The next time mums to be or parents reach for the paracetamol, think about these potential ramifications and reconsider whether there may be other less harmful options.

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Polypharmacy – Too Much of a Bad Thing for Our Elderly!

February 12, 2016

Do you know someone who has more than four types of medication in the bathroom cabinet?

Rather than improving health outcomes, it’s a major cause for alarm – polypharmacy (the use of four or more medications by a patient) leads to an increased risk of frailty or death in our elderly as shown by research conducted by an Australian cohort.

Half of Australians over 65 years of age take at least five different types of medicine (prescription and non-prescription). Among over 75-year-olds, the numbers are even higher.

As health practitioners we need to provide better alternatives and perhaps think about reducing or stopping many medications altogether to minimise drug related problems.

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Fitness Wearables – Keeping You on Track?

February 10, 2016

An article in Executive Style recently questioned how effective fitness trackers actually were in helping individuals get fit.

Do they play a role in maintaining and improving fitness or are they like the proverbial exercise bike and end up collecting dust in the the corner?

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Could Genetically Modified Mosquitoes be at the Root of the Zika Crisis?

February 3, 2016

Cases of the Zika virus, first discovered in the 1950’s, have alarmingly escalated recently in South and Central America resulting in birth defects and other serious health issues.

In an effort to explain this health crisis, many people have pointed to the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in 2012 in exactly the same area of the Zika outbreak epicentre.

Does this argument have any validity?

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Australian Honey – A Scandal Created?

February 2, 2016

Australian and New Zealand honey faced a full frontal attack from an international study recently, raising questions of how safe are our locally made honey products?

Is this a reckless claim aimed to discredit our honey industry or does this raise some alarming points that we should all be aware of?

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Stressed? Try Medlab’s Mg Optima Relax!

January 19, 2016

Medlab Clinical’s latest product release Mg Optima Relax, is an innovative magnesium powder that is scientifically formulated to promote relaxation during times of stress.

Mg Optima Relax is great for: students, athletes, those of us in stressful jobs and people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

So if you need help relaxing, improving cognition, focus and attention, talk to one of our practitioners about Medlabs Mg Optima Relax!

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Easy As ABC – Topical Vitamins For Your Skin

January 15, 2016

Taking vitamins and minerals orally has been shown to provide a vast number of health benefits. However if we want to have optimum results for the skin – think acne or anti ageing, it is time to consider alternate methods of delivery by applying some vitamins and minerals directly on to the skin.

On occasion oral ingestion is not as effective at increasing skin concentrations of vitamins and mineral as their absorption is limited by the active transport mechanisms in the gut.

The vitamins A, C, E, B3 and the mineral magnesium have all been shown to have considerable therapeutic effect when applied topically, especially in regards to acne and anti-ageing.

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Magnesium Deficiency Questionnaire

January 14, 2016


Circle each yes answer which is given a numerical value.

When you finish, total your score.

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Nigella – Clean Eating is a Disorder!

January 5, 2016

Domestic Goddess Nigella Lawson has recently come out and stated that she is disgusted by the mantra of clean eating inferring that clean eating is in fact a euphemism for an eating disorder.

People are using certain diets (such as clean or raw eating) as a way to hide an eating disorder or a great sense of unhappiness with their own body” she notes.

What is common knowledge (or at least should be) is that it isn’t our diet that defines who we are as people; it is our actions.

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Do You Have IBS? You May Be Vitamin D Deficient

December 30, 2015

A large proportion of people living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are vitamin D deficient, a new study has found.

The British study, which is the first of its kind, found that out of 51 IBS patients tested 82 per cent exhibited insufficient vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D level testing should be undertaken in cases of IBS and supplementation should be part of the treatment protocol in cases of a likely deficiency.

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Antidepressants During Pregnancy May Double Autism Risk

December 18, 2015

A study, released December 2015 has raised concerns that commonly prescribed antidepressants taken during pregnancy could substantially raise the risk of autism in the child.

The team considered potential influencing factors which are risk factors for autism. After taking these into account, the team found the use of antidepressants during the second and/or third trimester was associated with an 87 percent increased risk of ASD!

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Trends to Watch Out For in 2016

December 16, 2015

2016 is nearly here and some trends to look out for have firmed in the natural health world.

Here are Emeds top picks for trends to keep an eye out for in 2016.

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Welcome to Australia! Introducing Methyl B9 and B12

December 15, 2015

In exciting news for Australia and our natural health industry, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has recently granted approval to use methyl B9 and methyl B12 in our supplements.

Many practitioner brands have used this approval as an opportunity to upgrade existing products or formulate new ones.

Why do we at Emed consider this approval so important? Simply put it boils down to increased availability and utilisation thereby maximising the therapeutic value of these important nutrients.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis – A Double Edged Sword

December 9, 2015

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes progressive pain, inflammation and eventual destruction of the joints.

The hallmark feature of this condition is long term inflammation of joints that is mirrored on the opposite joint. It affects the hands, wrists  and feet, though any joint lined by a synovial membrane may be involved.

Early diagnosis is key and by implementing supplementation, changes in lifestyle and the environment, RA’s impact can be lessened.

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NAC – The New Addiction

December 7, 2015

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an intriguing nutrient best known for its role in liver health and detoxification pathways.

There is a body of emerging evidence where the NAC has shown promising results in the treatment of a variety of mental health problems, including depression, bipolar disorder, addiction, autism and schizophrenia.

According to Professor Berk, Chair in Psychiatry at Deakin University, there is now evidence that these disorders share inflammation and oxidative stress as part of their disease physiology.

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Research Insight: Fish Oil in Australian Autism Study

December 4, 2015

High-dose fish oil supplements are being used in an Australian trial at the Telethon Kids Institute, to investigate any benefits to children who suffer an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The trial comes after Singapore researchers studied a total of 41 children and adolescents aged 7-18 years (36 boys, 5 girls; mean age = 11.66) diagnosed with ASD. The open-label trial was to examine the efficacy and safety of a 12-week omega-3 fatty acids supplementation among children suffering with ASD.

At post-treatment, participants showed significant improvements on all subscales of the Social Responsiveness Scale (P<0.01) and the Social and Attention Problems syndrome scales of the Child Behavior Checklist (P<0.05).

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Stool Analysis – Providing a Spotlight on Gastrointestinal Health

December 1, 2015

While it may be uncomfortable for many of us to discuss, stool analysis has become a very important tool to determine a wide range of gastro intestinal conditions.

Stool Analysis provides an overview of the components of digestion, absorption, intestinal function and microbial flora as well as pathogenic bacteria, parasites and yeasts.

By indicating a poor digestive function and imbalanced gut flora a number of health conditions can be better understood and more tailored treatment protocols can be implemented.

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The Methylation Pathway Made Easier

November 24, 2015

It seems to be little more than a modern day catch phrase but methylation is a vitally important process that happens inside each of us. Whether this pathway is working optimally or is under or over performing can dramatically impact our health and the possible development of an alarming amount of diseases.

Methylation is responsible for many of the most complex and vital processes in the body. The methylation pathways can be found to occur in each cell as well as the liver and the fluid supplying the brain, impacting every system in the body.

Methylation helps determine who we are, what we look like, and how we behave yet even more importantly, it is central to our physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Without methylation, we could not survive.

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A Heated Concern – Vegetable Oil is Toxic

November 13, 2015

It might seem counter-intuitive, but frying with butter or lard is healthier than frying with vegetable oil according to recent conclusions from a British study.

In results that threaten to turn on its head official advice that oils rich in polyunsaturated fats – such as corn oil and sunflower oil – are better for the health than the saturated fats in animal products, recent experiments have determined that vegetable oil when cooked at high temperatures releases toxic chemicals linked to cancer and other diseases.

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Meat Causes Cancer! Really?

November 6, 2015

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently (October 2015) released a bombshell of a study stating that processed meats – such as bacon, sausages and ham cause colorectal cancer.

It additionally noted that red meats were “probably carcinogenic” but there was limited evidence.

However what should the takeaway message be from this contentious and unpopular conclusion?

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Dehydrated? Rehydrate on ORSBiotic!

October 28, 2015

ORSBiotic is one of Medlab’s latest product releases and, even though in its early stages is proving itself to be an essential product to replace fluids lost due to vomiting, diarrhoea and strenuous physical activity.

By providing essential electrolytes and various probiotic species, ORSBiotic provides rehydration support for the whole family.

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Forget The Calcium – Osteo-cise Brings Strong Bones for Life

October 23, 2015

We have all heard how essential calcium and vitamin D are in maintaining bone density especially as we age and conditions such as osteoporosis become more likely to develop.

A university in Victoria has demonstrated that including impact exercise like jumping or skipping alongside should be included in a treatment protocol.

This, alongside proper nutrition and supplementation improves function and reduces the risk of fractures by enhancing muscle strength and power.

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Questioning Your Thyroid

October 21, 2015

Do you think you may have an under active thyroid?

Or perhaps you suspect an over active thyroid?

This questionnaire may go some way in shedding light on whether further investigation is required.

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Leaky Gut – A Pathway Towards Disease

October 15, 2015

Leaky gut has been known by Natural Health Practitioners to contribute to a range of debilitating conditions for many years.

Once diagnosed with a test such as an Intestinal Permeability kit, leaky gut can be effectively treated with proven ingredients, supplements and dietary changes.

Read on to find out more…

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‘Snot Fair! Hayfever and Mucus

September 22, 2015

Spring is here! However for the one in five Australians who suffer from hay fever (also known as allergic rhinitis), this season is one to dread. For most, hayfever is seasonal because spring time means an increase in pollen from trees, grasses and weeds.

One of the most annoying symptoms is the seemingly unending production of mucus.

Is there a dietary way to minimise the production of such an annoying and often times embarrassing secretion?

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W8 Biotic – A Stellar Performer!

September 15, 2015

Catching the educated eye of Dr Ross Walker recently on 2UE radio, is the new Medlab product W8 Biotic.

W8Biotic is scientifically formulated to support lean body mass, weight management and maintain healthy blood glucose levels in healthy individuals when taken in conjunction with a calorie controlled eating plan.

W8 Biotic is dairy and gluten free, is suitable for vegetarians and is comprised of evidence based ingredients

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Health Funds and Natural Therapies – Your Choice!

September 11, 2015

More than 70% of Australians use a form of natural therapy as a regular part of their overall health care, with close to 2,000,000 professional consultations conducted yearly.

Generally, naturopathy, herbal medicine, homoeopathy, nutrition as well as tactile therapies such as massage, reflexology and aromatherapy are all covered through private health insurance rebates.

If natural therapies cover is important to you, do your research and make sure a health fund offers higher rated natural therapies extras coverage to ensure you get the optimum insurance to suit your needs.

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Low FODMAP Shopping List

September 8, 2015

Are you on the low FODMAP diet and having trouble knowing what to put in your trolley?

This list will help you become more confident in what is low FODMAP to help you stick to FODMAP way of life.

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FODMAPs 101: A Detailed Guide to Low-FODMAP Diet

Sue Shepherd developed a form of fructose malabsorption diet. Subsequently a team at Monash University, led by Professor Peter Gibson and including Dr Shepherd and others, developed the low FODMAP diet.

FODMAPs is an acronym for: Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols.

Should a person determine that they are sensitive to any of the above FODMAP, a low FODMAP diet is recommended.

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IsoWhey Sports Running E-Book

September 2, 2015

When you’re training to run a long distance, or taking part in an intense physical program, your body has significantly higher demands.

These increased needs are met through improved nutrition, technique and performance training as well as supplementation to overcome noted deficits.

Complications such as muscle soreness and oxidative stress, that are often experienced by athletes, can also be reduced through the right recovery technique.

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Female Viagra – Now In a Pink Pill

August 28, 2015

A little pink pill, designed and marketed to increase female libido, has been approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee.

The pharmaceutical company who owns the drug Sprout Pharmaceuticals, now wants to start working with international drug regulators to market the product globally.

Critics say that hypoactive sexual desire disorder is a condition has been partly created by drug companies seeking to cash in on what could be normal behaviour.

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Setting Soy Straight – Everything You Need to Know

August 26, 2015

The humble soy bean is a nutrient-dense legume with a considerable history of both culinary and medicinal use.

An important dietary staple in Asian cultures, soy consumption has been associated with lower incidence of coronary artery disease, ischemic stroke, hormone-dependent cancers and osteoporosis in these populations prompting it to become one of the most widely-studied functional foods.

The health benefits of soy, both dietary and supplemental, are well recognised due to the increasingly robust body of evidence to support its use in a number of areas of therapy.

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Ibuprofen for Kids?

August 25, 2015

A child with a fever is every parents nightmare and is usually the first indication that a child is ill. Watching the thermometer steadily increasing, feeling the heat radiating from the child and the listlessness is a simply horrible experience for everyone.

What to do?

A common practice is to reach for the Ibuprofen and dose the child up as quickly and as often as possible. But how efficacious and safe is this practice?

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Sleeping With The Enemy – An Army Of Dust Mites!

August 20, 2015

Cuddling up in a nice warm bed may seem like a good start to a restful night but do you really know what’s sleeping in the bed with you?

Studies have discovered what lurks within our mattresses and pillows and the results are not pretty!

Our beds could potentially be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, fungi, molds and dust mites.

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What’s Hiding in Your Food? The Dangers of MSG

August 18, 2015

Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is a food additive often used to enhance the flavor of foods, in particular processed ones.

Hundreds of millions of pounds of MSG are added to foods worldwide every year. You probably already know about the harmful health effects of MSG and are trying to avoid it.

But did you know that it could actually be hiding in your food under other names?

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A ‘Working’ Memory

August 12, 2015

You have a big day planned today.

Maybe it’s an important meeting with your team, maybe an exam, maybe several tasks that all require attention to detail.

Can you rely on your brain to get you through this day so that you’re performing at your best?

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Low Carb and Delicious – Six Dinner Ideas

August 11, 2015

For those people who are embarking on a low carb high protein lifestyle there are some truly delicious recipes to incorporate into your wellness program.

Here are six of Emed’s top dinner picks.

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Spice Up Your Life – How to Add Herbs to Your Diet

August 6, 2015

Love a bit of spice in your life?

A recent study confirms that eating spicy food particularly fresh chilli, regularly positively influences our long term health and wellbeing.

Published on the 4th August 2015 in the British Medical Journal, the study looked at 199,293 Chinese men and 288,082 Chinese women aged 30 to 79 years in 10 different geographical areas.

Addressing disease states involving the cardiovascular system, metabolic system and gastrointestinal system, near daily intake of fresh chilli was shown to reduce both morbidity and mortality by 14%.


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Fight the Flu this Season – Emed’s Best Anti-Viral Herbs

July 29, 2015

If you haven’t already had the flu this season, I’m sure you know at least 5 people that have.

It’s particularly bad this winter season so knowing the best way to prevent and treat will get you out of bed and feeling better in no time.

Although prevention is best, when a virus strikes there are a number of natural remedies that can stop it in its tracks.

Emed digs up the research on 6 natural antivirals.

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Alternate Nostril Breathing – Just Breathe!

Are you having trouble winding down?

Do you have ‘monkey mind’ making sleep near impossible.

A technique known as alternate nostril breathing (pranayama) is a yogic breathing relaxation technique that can be used by almost anyone irrespective of age, gender or even time availability.

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NSW Approves Medicinal Cannabis Trial

July 28, 2015

NSW has led the way in Australia by green lighting and committing $9 million to a medicinal cannabis clinical trial (28th July 2015).

The trials will focus on how medicinal cannabis can improve poor appetite and appetite-related symptoms, such as nausea, in terminally ill adult cancer patients in their final stages of life.

The research team will be led by University of New South Wales’ Chief Investigator Associate Professor Meera Agar.

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Key Nutrients for Hypertension

There are a surprising number of key nutrients that have been shown to be very useful when supporting hypertensive and cardiovascular patients.

Ranging from magnesium, omega 3 fish oils and CoQ10 to pomegranate juice and sesame some of these nutrients may be well known, others may surprise you!

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Steam Therapy For Chest Congestion

July 22, 2015

Steam inhalation is a method of introducing warm, moist air into the lungs via the nose and throat for therapeutic benefit.

Essential oils are often added to provide additional relief.

Ancient Egyptians recognized the good therapeutic effects of inhalation therapy through the use of public baths.

Steam inhalation has since become a simple and effective home remedy for various health issues.

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Antibiotic Resistance – Bells Are Tolling!

Finally recognised as a public health issue, antibiotic resistance means infection- causing bacteria has become resistant to antibiotic medications.

All too often antibiotics are being prescribed and taken inappropriately and unnecessarily. Antibiotics have no effect in treating viruses, fungal infection or other illnesses that are not related to bacterial infection.

Australians are among the biggest offenders of anti-biotic over prescription, abuse and misuse and now resulting ‘Superbugs’ are becoming a global concern.

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Birth Weight a Factor in Childhood Cancer

July 15, 2015

An important piece of the puzzle in how to possibly prevent or reduce childhood cancers has recently come to light.

A study released July 2015 in the journal Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology announced that the occurrence of childhood cancer rises as birthweight increases.

This finding, in conjunction with other genetic and environmental factors will advance more accurate treatment protocols and advice when addressing these insidious and devastating childhood diseases.

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NSW “Naturopath” Arrested

July 14, 2015

Over the past week, a story has emerged regarding the arrest of a NSW based ‘Naturopath’. Marilyn Bodnar, a 59-year-old registered nurse and midwife who claims to be a naturopath have been proven false, had been consulted by the mother of a young boy seeking an alternative health treatment for the baby’s eczema.

The treatment plan included a liquid diet and subsequently the young boy was taken seriously ill to Westmead Hospital.

Before making an appointment with a Naturopath, check with a relevant association such as ATMS or ANTA to make sure that the practitioner you are thinking of consulting with is fully qualified and accredited with that modality.

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Fasting – Revisiting an Old Idea

July 7, 2015


It’s a contentious topic that has its supporters on both side of the fence. However fasting, in its various modes has a plethora of clinical studies to back up its introduction in reducing the signs and symptoms of a variety of conditions.

With demonstrated improvements in brain activity, cardiovascular system, mood, chronic pain conditions and gut health, sensible and supervised fasting can not be ruled out as a valid treatment adjunct in a number of conditions.

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Who Needs a Gall Bladder Anyway?

Everybody knows somebody who has had their gall bladder removed. That’s how common it is! Have you ever wondered what exactly the gall bladder is and why it is so frequently removed without any significant concern?

Often without questioning the consequences people are going under the knife at the advice of medical doctors. The gall bladder is a digestive organ with a purpose and without it there is a whole job not being done.

Natural therapies seek to firstly prevent gall stone attack occurring, but also provides some sound advice about what to expect and how to manage after gall bladder removal.


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Trans Fats – Safe in Human Foods?

June 23, 2015

The American Food and Drug Administration have ordered that food manufacturers have three years to cease using trans fatty acids, stating that TFAs are not generally recognised as safe for use in human foods.

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B3 to Reduce Some Skin Cancers?

June 17, 2015

An Australian study has suggested that a form of vitamin B3 lowers the risk of the some skin cancers returning in those with a history of developing these skin cancers.

The people taking 500mg nicotinamide showed immediate benefits. A reduction in skin cancers seemed to start as early as the first three-month visit noted researchers.

This promising research is a useful adjunct to other techniques to reduce harmful sun exposure such as the famous Aussie jingle ‘slip, slop, slap, seek, slide’!

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HIIT Improves Body Shape of the Obese

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves repeated bouts of high intensity effort followed by varied recovery times.

HIIT has been shown by extensive research to be highly effective in improving body composition particularly for the obese.

When combined with fish oil, green tea and the Mediterranean diet, the results are extremely encouraging in improving a range of health conditions .

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Online consultations, simply more convenient!

June 9, 2015

Described by current users as intuitive and accessible, efficient with effective results and a time and hassle saver,  the movement toward online health care consultations are a definite for the future of natural health care.

With a range of benefits, Emed is at the forefront of this exciting and inevitable delivery of consultations.

We are offering a free initial consultation – What are you waiting for? Contact us today!

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Blackmores Donates Research Funds to Sydney University

May 27, 2015

Blackmores, one of Australias most recognisable vitamin brands, has donated $1.3 million to the University of Sydney to fund research into the effectiveness of natural treatments such as acupuncture, herbs and meditation.

To be known as the Maurice Blackmore Chair in Integrative Medicine, the research is expected to run for five years with the aim to educate student doctors about natural medicines and how they interact with conventional treatments.

While not a lot of money initially, this can be viewed as a win for medicine (both orthodox and natural) and health care in this country.

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Lost Weight? Where Did the Fat Go?

When somebody loses weight, where does the fat go?

The answer may surprise you.

It is in fact via carbon dioxide, making our lungs and their function a very important part of our weight management.

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Australias Food Pyramid 2015

May 20, 2015

Australia has a new food pyramid!

Placed firmly at the bottom of this 2015 version is vegetables; the word is eat more of them and you will be on the right track.

Grains have now replaced the traditional bread and cereal group, sugar has been moved to the same ‘limit’ category as salt and spices and fresh herbs have been included as a means of enhancing flavour.

This is a realistic food pyramid that reflects Australians ever evolving tastes and nutritional requirements.

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Fibromyalgia: A Nutritional Approach

May 15, 2015

Fibromyalgia is a complex neurophysiological syndrome.

It encompasses a vast range of symptoms, including extreme fatigue, pain, sleep disturbances and cognitive impairment, many of which overlap and may be confused with other conditions such as rheumatic diseases, multiple sclerosis (MS), depression and hypochondriasis.

Nutritional therapy for fibromyalgia can be helpful in counteracting stress, ridding the body of toxins, and restoring nutrients which have been malabsorbed or robbed from the body. Find out more…

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Diet Over Genes for Bowel Cancer Risk

May 13, 2015

In an insightful study researchers from the University of Pittsburgh asked 20 African Americans to do a diet switch with 20 rural Africans for two weeks.

The speed in which the body responded to the change in diet was frightening – especially regarding biomarkers for bowel cancer – for both of the research groups.

The results from this study suggest high-fibre diets could have a dramatic, positive effect on reducing colon cancer among populations most at risk.

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Kill the Sugar and Reduce Type 2 Diabetes

May 12, 2015

Do you want to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 14-25%?.

Some simple alterations in our daily routine could make a lot of difference.

By replacing a serving of soft drinks with a serving of water or unsweetened tea or coffee, the risk of developing diabetes is reduced by 14%.

Replacing a serving of sweetened milk beverage with water or unsweetened tea or coffee cuts the risk of developing diabetes by between 20 to 25%.

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Green Tea Anticancer Mechanism Discovered

May 8, 2015

An in vitro study finally reveals the mechanism behind the anticancer compounds epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) found in green tea and procyanidins found in apples.

The research showed these substances target a specific receptor in the mitochondria that is a major mediator of the most important pro-angiogenic growth factor in humans – vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). When overexpressed, VEGF can contribute to increased tumour growth.

Using normal and cancerous oral cancer cells researchers discovered that these compounds caused oxidative damage to cancer cell mitochondria.

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Believe it or Not – Aspartame Defended!

May 5, 2015

Is aspartame bad for you? Of course it is in high enough amounts, yet an article being little more than thinly veiled advertisement for Pepsi, points out all the reasons why aspartame has been demonised by us on the ‘other side’ of the pro-aspartame fence.

To add insult to intelligence, the author contends that avoiding gluten (due to intolerance/ sensitivities) and aspartame are faddish spruiked by misleading, unqualified health experts.

All health commentators it seems has been tarred by the Belle Gibson brush.

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Confirmed: You Can’t Outrun a Bad Diet!

April 28, 2015

An editorial published 22 April 2015 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, noted that no matter how much exercise an individual does, it cannot work off the ill effects of a long term unhealthy diet.

“Let us bust the myth of physical inactivity and obesity,” the authors write. “You cannot outrun a bad diet.”

Healthy choices must become the easy choices. By ignoring the insidious marketing of the junk food industry, we can reclaim our health and wellbeing.

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Gluten-Digesting Enzymes: A Breakthrough For The Gluten Sensitive

April 27, 2015

The negative effects of a diet high in gluten are increasingly becoming clear to researchers, health care practitioners and gluten-sensitive individuals.

A prospective five-year study, by Monash University, followed 72 patients on a gluten-free diet. Results showed that their gut health improved significantly after one year on a gluten-free diet, with a continuous improvement up to five years later.

The study reinforced that there were clear long-term benefits in following the diet, even for those who don’t present with gastrointestinal symptoms, said lead researcher Dr Evan Newham.

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Kellogg’s Health Star Ratings Revealed – The Worst Cereal Offenders

April 22, 2015

Effective from June 2015 Kellogg’s has revealed that it is voluntarily adapting the Health Star ratings on all its cereals both in Australia and New Zealand.

More than 70 per cent of Kellogg’s cereals, or 26 products in the range, have a rating of between 4 and 5 health stars, with their cereals ranging from 1.5 to 5 stars.

The food industry has a long way to go however with food giants including McCain, Mars, PepsiCo, Mondelez, George Weston and Goodman Fielder yet to implement the health star scheme.

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Toxic Weight Loss Shakes – Available at Your Pharmacy Now!

April 15, 2015

Commercially available protein powders – targeted towards weight loss, are popular with a broad range of the population.

On the surface these protein powders appear to be a convenient way of getting dietary protein into a deficient diet but take the time to look closer and many of these products contain harmful toxins.

Whether contaminated with heavy metals, MSG or allergy triggers, examining these protein powders is extremely important.

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Paracetamol – A Dose of Toxic Liver

April 8, 2015

Paracetamol is not effective in the treatment of spinal pain and provides negligible benefits for osteoarthritis, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal.

Paracetamol use for osteoarthritis was also shown to increase the likelihood of having abnormal results on liver function tests by almost four times compared with a placebo.

Recommendations deriving from the study include a call for the use of safe and effective alternative treatments, especially non-drug options, such as exercise, which has clear benefits in the management of spinal pain and osteoarthritis.

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MS and the Sunlight Vitamin

In ground breaking investigations into MS and vitamin D, an Australian/ New Zealand research team have concluded that where you grow up is influential in the probability of developing MS.

The less sunlight in a region the more likely a person will develop MS!

Now in 2015, a world first Australian trial of vitamin D supplements is underway to see if it can help stop the progression of MS.


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It’s D-lightful, It’s D-licious, It’s D-lovely

April 2, 2015

Vitamin D is a vital nutrient required by your body for a wide range of jobs, such as helping to boost your immunity so you are less likely to end up in bed feeling sick; playing a role in mood modulation – helping you feel good; and supporting your physical structure – making your bones and muscles strong.

Emed offers vitamin D in a variety of forms that will suit any age or requirement: drops, capsules and sprays.

Contact us today to discover how we can help you with your vitamin D status.

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Low Glycemic Index Diet – Your Guide

March 24, 2015

Carbohydrates provide the main source of energy, used to fuel every part of the body from the brain to our beating hearts (a bit like petrol in a car).

All carbohydrates have the ability to raise glucose levels in the blood but the slower a carbohydrate is digested, the slower it releases energy into the bloodstream and the lower its Glycemic Index (GI) score.

The GI ranks carbohydrate foods based on the rate at which they are broken down into glucose. Your body performs best when your blood sugar is kept relatively constant.

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On the Chopping Block – Australias Healthy Lifestyle Promoters

March 20, 2015

In the wake of the furore and angst surrounding healthier lifestyle promoters Belle Gibson, Jess Ainscough and Pete Evans a spotlight is brightly shining on Australias natural health industry.

Sarah Wilson of  ‘I Quit Sugar’ fame, recently posted a well tempered but reactionary article on her blog which describes the limitations of healthy lifestyle promotion from her perspective.

The vast number of healthy lifestyle promotion (some good some not so good) provides a forum that educates members of the public so they can adopt certain practices to achieve better health.

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Australian Fitness & Health Expo – Free Ticket Giveaway!

March 19, 2015

Get ready for the 2015 Australian Fitness & Health Expo that will sprint into the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre from 10-12th April.

The Fitness and Health Expo in Melbourne is the largest fitness event in the Southern Hemisphere.

We have 6 double passes to giveaway! Like & Share the Fitness & Health post on Emed’s Facebook page for your chance to win!

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Are You a Mutant? Anxiety and MTHFR

March 13, 2015

In a honest and insightful article, journalist Elisa Black chronicled her journey with anxiety.

With a life- long experience of crippling anxiety and poor outcomes with a number of treatments, Black discovered the cause – a genetic mutation of the MTHFR gene.

Ongoing research implicates MTHFR genetic mutations for mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Supplementing with specific B vitamins could go part of the way in modulating the expression of the MTHFR gene.

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Berry UnAmusing

March 6, 2015

Recently (February 2015) in Australia there has been a concerning public health scare after two brands of frozen berries were recalled after a number of people became sick with hepatitis A.

To date health authorities state there had been 21 cases of hepatitis A nationally associated with the current outbreak: three in Victoria, eight in Queensland, seven in New South Wales and one each in Western Australia, South Australia and the ACT.

As a population used to strict quality control on our food stuffs either domestically or internationally sourced – we are far from amused.

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Fibre Intake Vital in Weight Loss

February 27, 2015

A study coming out of Massachusetts USA has reconfirmed that a single dietary change – an increase in fibre, is a simple more manageable addition to assist in weight loss.

Increasing fibre intake can result in having a more “clinically meaningful weight loss” when compared to a restrictive diet.

Emed offers some tips to help you get to that magic 30grams of fibre per day.

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Free Initial Consult – At Your Place or Ours

February 25, 2015

At Emed we like to stay at the forefront of the Natural Health industry.

We believe that no matter where you are located in Australia or around the world, you deserve access the best Natural Health Practitioners, genetic/pathology testing and products available.

Therefore we are introducing a Free Initial Consultation for new and existing members.

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The Short & Fat Truth

February 24, 2015

The Short & Fat Truth  – Junk Food Stunts The Growth of Children

Cigarettes are known to stunt the growth of children, now new research has shown that junk food and lack of exercise is also stunting the growth of our next generation.

With over 300 million obese or overweight children worldwide aged under 18, this could mean one step backwards in evolutionary terms, Charles Darwin would be rolling in his grave!

Real change will depend on pressure from the public similar to the public pressure that saw smoking bans in public buildings

Find out how much impact junk food could be having on your child.

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Men Don’t Cry! Exploring Male Depression

February 20, 2015

Unrealistic expectations placed on men is dramatically impacting their mental health in increasing and frightening numbers.

On average, 1 in 8 Australian men will have depression at some stage of their lives, however many will not get the assistance they need.

Key in managing depression is initiating healthy, all encompassing coping skills including setting realistic goals, surrounding oneself with a support system, choosing enjoyable activities and introducing a healthy lifestyle.

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Jazzing Up the School Lunch Box

February 16, 2015

In the ever constant attempt to keep the school lunchbox interesting, nutritious (and importantly to come home empty) can be a source of hair wringing, stress and frustration for parents and guardians.

Here are a few tips to jazz up the school lunch box.

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A Little Weighty – Weight Loss for Kids

February 11, 2015

Children and adolescents are steadily becoming more overweight or obese. Worryingly the 2011-2012 Australian Health Survey results indicate that 26% of children aged 5 – 17 years are overweight or obese.

Coming to the realisation that a child or adolescent needs to lose weight can be confronting for a parent. With discipline, motivation and support, healthy weight maintenance can be achieved.

By addressing bad habits, increasing physical activity to 60 minutes/ day and introducing simple dietary changes it is possible.

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Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot? 7 Simple Ways The Beat The Heat

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot?  7 Simple Ways The Beat The Heat

It’s that time of year again — time to talk about weather-related health complications, like heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

One look at the weather map shows that most of the country is baking, with heat records being shattered far and wide.

While seniors are more likely to be affected by high temperatures and heat-related problems than younger people, heat exhaustion and heat stroke can affect anyone if the conditions are right.

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Fishy Claims Behind Fish Oil Quality?

January 29, 2015

Fish oil is one of the most popular supplements in Australia.

People who take fish oil tablets are not getting what they pay for, according to research that shows most have less omega-3 fatty acids than is listed on their labels.

A study of 32 brands sold in Australia and New Zealand found just three contained the claimed amount of omega-3.

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Victorian Premier Says “Yes” to Maccas

January 23, 2015

Only six weeks into office, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews unequivocally stated his support for the retention of a McDonald’s in Victorias Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), stating that”having a McDonald’s at the RCH was in the best interests of the community”.

Additionally has opened the doorway for a McDonald’s to be included inside the new publicly funded Monash Children’s Hospital due to open in 2017.

In this aspect of health Daniel Andrews and his government have got it wrong.

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Natural Medicine in Sights of Budget

January 16, 2015

Recently (3/01/2015) the Weekend Australian newspaper published an article Natural Cures on Budget Hitlist. The article cites a review conducted by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) which was highly critical of the evidence base for natural therapies.

Based on these findings, many natural therapies will be stripped of government subsidies on the grounds that private health insurers and their members have embraced natural therapies and consequently driven up costs.

Is this really in the best interests of Australians and their health or are there vested interests at play?

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Spinning Out Of Control

January 15, 2015

Spinning Out of Control - Balance Disorders Explained

We don't normally have to consciously think about balance control. It's an automatic function.

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Supercharge Your Detox

January 6, 2015

The silly season is drawing to a close once again and you may be left feeling lacklustre and fatigued from the last few months of celebrations, over-eating and alcohol indulgence.

Chances are your skin has flared up, your joint pain is worse than you remembered, your frequent headaches have become the ‘norm’ and you’re feeling a bit bloated.

Start back on your way to wellness by alkalising your body and detoxing with the help of some nutritional powerhouses known as Super greens.

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Sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions

Make 2017 a New Year for a New You.

Most New Years Resolutions lists are triggered by a certain excitement for the possibilities of weight loss, eating right and actually using that dusty gym pass.

Others may be created by fear and self-loathing. Whatever the motivation, now is the ideal time to set goals for improvement in the year ahead.

Start the year right by committing to a healthier lifestyle.

Small steps equal big results. Lets take a look whats on Emed’s list…

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Medicinal Cannabis in Australia – Update

December 30, 2014

In exciting yet overdue news, medicinal cannabis will be used to treat children with severe epilepsy as part of a clinical trial in New South Wales.

Additionally the NSW Government will fund two other trials on terminally ill adults and chemotherapy patients who suffer nausea and vomiting as a result of their treatment.

It is now late December 2014 and real policy and legislative change is in the air with New South Wales and Victoria leading the way.

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New Look for Eagle & MediHerb

December 23, 2014

From today onwards you will notice that Eagle & MediHerb product pages will look a little different.

Due to new online restrictions, product information is now limited on any online forum and/or website.

Once you're logged in you can now only view:

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8 Of The Worst Foods At Christmas

December 16, 2014

Christmas is just around the corner and so is the giant meal!

The average person consuming a whopping 7,000 calories over the course of Christmas Day, and the average  festive dinner contains anything up to a staggering 90g of fat.

Here are a few of the worst Christmas party foods and savvy substitutions to keep you from gaining weight while making merry.

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Probiotics – Exploring Species and Strains

December 10, 2014

An understanding of the different probiotic strains can maximise the therapeutic effect of your probiotic supplement.

We all know how good supplementing with probiotics is in reducing the impact of  irritable bowel syndrome, poor immunity and antibiotic damage.

But what are those names and numbers on the bottle and what exactly do they do?


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Intermittent Fasting – The 5:2 Diet

December 3, 2014

First established in August 2012 by Doctor Michael Mosley, the 5:2 diet is a diet where people eat normally for five days of the week and restrict their calories for two non-consecutive days.

According to Dr Mosley the diet works because it is “simple, logical and not too challenging”. The 5:2 diets mimics in a similar way to the feast and famine lifestyle of cavemen as it restricts calories and gives the body a chance to repair itself.

With many health benefits including management of cholesterol, type II diabetes and lowering of blood pressure, the 5:2 diet provides a long term option for people from all walks of life.

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Pete Evans vs Dietician Association

November 28, 2014

The Dieticians Association of Australia (DAA) has responded with vehemence against Pete Evans’ backing of the Paleo Diet. Labelled as potentially dangerous the DAA has made firm its stance against Australians following the Paleo lifestyle.

Yet Paleo advocates, of whom celebrity chef Pete Evans has become the public face, have returned criticism with questioning the agenda of DAA.

The DAA has yet to convince many people of its objections. Due to a possible conflict of interest in the DAA guidelines via its corporate sponsors of which Nestle, Unilever and Kellogs are included, the Paleo diet remains a valid lifestyle that can bring health and vitality to many people.

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5 Good Reasons to Eat Chia Everyday

November 25, 2014

Chia seeds are one of the world’s oldest sources of nutrition, documented to have been eaten by the ancient Aztecs and Mayans as early as 3500 BC.

Derived from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, chia seeds offer the highest combined plant source of omega-3, fibre and protein, alongside a range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Chia offers essential wholefood nutrition that is often lacking in the modern diet.

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Social Media – Servant or Master?

Social media has allowed us to be more connected than ever before yet many of us are lonely, depressed and anxious as a result of its all pervasive influence.

How many times have we logged into Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to see one of our ‘friends’ on the holiday of a lifetime, having a dream wedding or even the finest meal of their lives. On the face of it everyone else bar you is having the best life and somehow you and your life are lacking.

If social media is impacting on your mental health and wellbeing it could be time for a Social Media Detox.

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It’s Painful, It’s Ugly… It’s a Cold Sore

November 24, 2014

Many of us suffer from a common enemy; the dreaded cold sore.

Challenged immune system, cold days with brutal winds combined with daily life stresses can create the perfect storm for these tingling and painful little eruptions.

Emed offers some useful lifestyle, herbal and nutritional tips for minimising the impact of cold sores this season.

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Low Carbohydrate Diet: Fat or Fiction?

November 18, 2014

On November 13th 2014, the ABC program Catalyst explored the science behind the Low Carb Diet – what are the health benefits and are there any risks? Is it suitable for everyone?

The low carbohydrate  diet is rich in quality fats, fibrous fruits, vegetables and meats.

For those individuals who have a hard time metabolising carbohydrates such as those with insulin resistance, Type II diabetes, PCOS, are obese or even for endurance athletes the low carbohydrate diet could provide a proven method of controlling blood glucose and act as as a fuel source.

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Nasal Sprays: Quick Fix Or Health Risk?

November 16, 2014

Nasal Decongestant Sprays - Quick Fix Or Health Risk?

Prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) nasal sprays are one of the most commonly used ways to treat nasal congestion caused by allergies or infection.

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Is Yakult Your Best Choice?

November 14, 2014

Gut Health In A Bottle – Is Yakult Your Best Choice?

It is easy to fall into the trap of convincing marketing promising you good health if only you just drink this, or eat that product.

Probiotics, the helpful critters that support bacteria living in our guts, are getting a lot of press in recent times for the number of health benefits they bestow.

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Are You Being Poisoned by Paracetamol?

November 12, 2014

It’s a common medicine found in most Australian households but paracetamol poisoning (both deliberate and accidental) is alarmingly on the rise.

A study released by Professor Andis Graudins of Monash University in June 2014  showed that 150 Australians are hospitalised weekly due to paracetamol poisoning. This equates to nearly 8,000 Australians yearly!

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Essential Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

November 11, 2014

People exercise for a variety of reasons including maintaining physical fitness, promoting a healthy body composition, maintaining or improving bone density, improving muscle strength and joint mobility and promoting emotional well being.

Whatever the reason for exercise, the body needs the right nutrition and recovery strategies in place to sustain performance and facilitate recovery.

Pre-workout supplements continue to become increasingly popular among recreational and professional athletes. Both aerobic and anaerobic athletes use pre-workout supplementation because of their potential erg-ogenic effects and ability to increase performance.

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Is Milk Linked to Fractures and Mortality?

The British Medical Journal has released a study that examined whether high cows milk consumption is associated with mortality and fractures in both women and men

Researchers contended that because of the high content of d- galactose and lactose in cows milk, that high consumption of milk may increase oxidative stress and inflammation, which in turn affects the risk of mortality and fracture.

However intake of fermented milk products such as yoghurt, soured milk and cheese were associated with lower rates of fracture and mortality.

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The Latest Arthritis Breakthrough

October 21, 2014

Arthritis Breakthrough - Is Theracurmin The Answer?

Last week there was a great story highlighting the benefits of using Curcumin to reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis.

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Does Drinking Alcohol Cause Infertility?

October 15, 2014

Around one in six Australian couples have problems with infertility, but you might not be aware that alcohol can affect your chances of successfully conceiving.

Even drinking less than one alcoholic beverage daily can disrupt a woman's menstrual cycle, while exceeding recommended alcohol limits can have a negative impact on sperm count and quality.

While the effects of moderate drinking before trying to conceive is not an issue, certainly if you are female, heavy drinking at an early age can adversely affect your later fertility.

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How Healthy Is Your Sperm?

October 1, 2014

The importance of sperm health is often underestimated when trying to conceive.

Statistically 1 in 6 couples have difficulty trying to become pregnant. Problems with male fertility represents about 40% of the reason some couples have difficulty conceiving.

Unlike women, men are constantly producing sex cells. While a woman is born with all the eggs she’ll ever have, men produce sperm continually. What a man does on a daily basis to his body therefore can affect the sperm maturation process.

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Folic Acid, Folinic Acid or Methyl Folate – Which is Best?

September 17, 2014

What’s the difference between Folate, Folic Acid, Folinic Acid and Methyl Folate?

Undoubtedly, if you have the MTHFR gene (or even if you don’t) you’ve heard the words folate, folic acid, folinic acid, methylfolate thrown around like a tossed salad.

We get questions everyday regarding the MTHFR gene and how it reflects on which form of folate should be taken in supplement form.

Find out which form you should be taking and how a simple test can clear up all this confusion.

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Nitric Oxide: The Cardiovascular Hero

September 10, 2014

Previously Nitric Oxide (NO) use has been confined to the body building world but new research suggests that its effect on cardiovascular health could take it out of the gyms and make it an essential in your daily supplement regime.

Nitric Oxide is now being used to treat a variety of conditions such as hypertension, insomnia, obesity, diabetes and sexual problems.

It is because of these abilities that NO is touted to be the next miracle cure on the shelf.

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Prescription Painkillers Closing in on Heroin as Overdose Killer

September 9, 2014

There is nothing benign about prescription pain killers!

In the foreseeable future, prescription painkillers such as oxycodone will overtake heroin as Australias number one opioid drug killer.

In the wake of Overdose Awareness Day (31st August) the National Coronial Information System (NCIS) has released a report (August 2014) that provides a snapshot on opioid related deaths in Australia.

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Are Antibiotics linked to Peanut Allergies?

September 2, 2014

A recent study indicated that young children over-exposed to antibiotics are at greater risk of developing food allergies such as peanut allergies later in life.

The researchers were able to identify a naturally occurring bacteria in the human gut that keeps people from developing food allergies. However this beneficial gut bacteria diminished with frequent antibiotic use at a young age — making children more susceptible to food allergies later in life.

The researchers concluded that it could be probiotics that could assist in reducing the impact of these antibiotic induced food allergies.

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Panadol – No Better Than A Dummy Pill

August 28, 2014

The most common pain reliever for back pain, paracetamol, doesn’t work any better than a placebo.

The shocking conclusion that the beneficial effects of such a widely-used drug might be all in the mind are drawn by a paper published this morning in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet.

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Keeping Our Kidneys Healthy and Happy

Unless we are unwell, the kidneys would have to be one of our most unappreciated organs.

The kidneys are extremely efficient waste disposal system. Each day, the kidneys filter 180 liters of blood, removing about 2 litres of waste and water that our body excretes as urine.

Poor kidney health is on the rise in Australia and currently 1 in 3 Australians are at risk of developing kidney disease. We highlight the many lifestyle modifications and nutrients that can be taken to maximise the health of our kidneys and reduce the impact of chronic kidney disease.

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Medicinal Cannabis – Is It Australias Turn?

August 12, 2014

The medicinal use of cannabis was made illegal in Australia 50 years ago. In 2014 the argument has found new momentum but concerns still exist due to cannabis’ reputation as being a hazardous drug rather then concentrating on its medicinal benefits.

Australians with painful and dire symptoms from serious conditions are unable to legally alleviate their symptoms with medicinal cannabis. The conventional medicines for these conditions often work but they are sometimes ineffective or produce unacceptable side effects.

Medicinal cannabis provides a viable alternative to orthodox drugs yet it is still in a legal minefield. It’s time for the Australian government to provide a civilised, progressive and compassionate delivery of medicinal cannabis to those in need.

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Do Double Mastectomies Prevent Cancer?

July 30, 2014

Chopping off and cutting out body parts for “preventing” cancer that isn’t even there has become more popular in recent years. 

Instead of being educated about non surgical preventative measures to reduce the risk of breast cancer, women are opting double mastectomies out of fear alone. 

A 20 year study of 100,000 women has now found that ‘preventative double mastectomies’ only offer a 1% increase is life expectancy.

Is the benefit worth the risk? I don’t think so. Read on to find out more.

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Lower Blood Pressure with Probiotics?

A new study in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension suggests that probiotics (a.k.a., “good” bacteria) might offer another interesting benefit: Reduced blood pressure.

The analysis revealed that a constant consumption of probiotics can be part of a healthy lifestyle to help reduce high blood pressure, as well as maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

So even if it’s a little drop in blood pressure, this can have a big effect on health!

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Vitamin D Deficiency and Heart Disease

July 23, 2014

Two important articles have been released that indicate vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for heart disease with lower levels of vitamin D being associated with a higher presence and severity of coronary artery disease (CAD).

The research results suggest vitamin D deficiency to be the cause rather than the consequence of atherosclerosis.

The findings from this research support that people will benefit from vitamin D supplementation, a diet containing vitamin D rich foods and moderate exercise to reduce the risk in developing heart disease.


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Wifi In Schools – Should It Be Banned?

July 17, 2014

Australian schools are introducing Wi-Fi into classrooms despite questions over the long-term safety of the wireless technology.

Now new research is being conducted on radio-frequency and electromagnetic waves and the associated health affects on school children.

With no current safety emission standard for children for WiFi radio-frequency waves, are we using the next generation as Guinea Pigs?

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Hemp – Why the Hysteria?

July 9, 2014

It’s Australia 2014 and according to our current Food Act it is still illegal to sell hemp seeds or hemp oil as a food!

Hemp seeds and hemp oil have an impressive nutrient profile as they are  high in available essential fatty acid and protein.

With historical use ranging back 5,000 years and known for its benefit in conditions such as cardiovascular health, immunity and skin conditions and legal to sell in the European Union, it is time for the ministerial review removes the hysteria surrounding this benign food and let common sense prevail.

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Emed Specials eNewsletter

June 16, 2014

Along with our revamped website, we have changed the way we inform our members and E-Clinic patients. By splitting our popular eNewsletter into a news edition and a specials edition, you can now choose what lands in your inbox.

Get the latest offers on product specials, member promotions and giveaways from Emed Specials eNewsletter.

Many of the products or special offers are limited so it is ‘first in best dressed’.

We often have Facebook only specials and giveaways. We encourage you to ‘Like’ our Facebook page so you don’t miss out on these limited time offers.

So if you are looking for the best deals the eSpecials newsletter is for you.

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New & Improved eClinic

June 2, 2014

Emed is an eClinic, or online practice, that helps helps people all around the world.

We have patients from Melbourne to Sydney, Perth to Darwin, Aukland to Christchurch, Hong Kong to Beijing, London to Glasgow, Paris to Rome, Doha to Dubi. We even have patients in Bayswater and Mt Evelyn (just around the corner).

Our mission is to improve health worldwide by providing the best Integrative Medicine based on your own genetic information, metabolic, toxicant, food allergy, food additive and nutritional testing currently available.

Emed provides acces to the most up to date health information and Practitioner Only Natural Medicines to support your quest for better health by enhancing your genetic expression.

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Welcome To The New Emed Website & Newsletter

May 30, 2014

We warmly welcome you to the new Emed website and fresh look newsletter.

After a few hiccups last week, we are pleased to announce the new website is up and running.

If you need help navigating around the site, take the opportunity to Live Chat to one of the Emed Practitioners available during business hours.

Log in and check out the new features, we would love to hear your feedback.

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Great Ways To Use Coconut Oil

May 26, 2014

Coconut oil is a wonderful resource in your home – don’t let it go to waste!

We’ve put together a small selection of ideas of what you can do with coconut oil. Coconut oil is so versatile it can be used for cooking, skin care, a metabolism booster, to assist in weight management, to boost your immunity and can even be of moderate assistance in managing type two diabetes.

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Coconut Oil Useful in Alzheimers Disease

A lot of talk has emerged lately regarding coconut oil being beneficial in treating the signs and symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).

But is the humble coconut oil really a useful inclusion in treating a disease as debilitating as AD?

We’ve explored this oil to explore its possibilities.

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Saturated Fat and Heart Disease

Does Saturated Fat Increase the Risk of Heart Disease? The Experts Now Say No!

For 50 years, we have been told that saturated fats; the fats commonly found in fatty meat, butter and cheese cause heart disease.

A recent analysis published in the peer reviewed journal Annals of Internal Medicine (March 2014) looked at 72 separate studies that included 600,000 participants in 18 different countries.

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Coming Off the Pill?

April 26, 2014

Getting on a contraceptive pill is comparatively simple, however when a woman wishes to come off the pill, the process becomes more involved and time consuming.

For many women, the pill is an important form of contraception throughout much of their fertile years and its value cannot be underestimated with its promised sexual liberation and the ability to choose when they want to have children.

In fact it is the contraceptive of choice for Australian women (39% of women) aged 18-44. However getting off the pill is a personal choice and the reasons are varied.

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Top 9 Exercises for People in Pain

If you’re in pain, there's a temptation to skip exercising.

But exercise can often help reduce pain and improve your quality of life.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy. The good news is that you don’t have to run a marathon to get back to the business of life.

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The Achilles Tendon

The two most common injuries of the Achilles tendon are Achilles Tendinopathy and tearing or rupture of the tendon.

Research has found that this type of injury is due to tissue overload and degeneration rather than pure inflammation.

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The Spinal Connection: Scoliosis Explained

March 5, 2014

Most of us recall our mother’s orders to “Stand up straight! " Retract the shoulders, contract the abdominals, allow the head to come back and lift the torso out of the pelvis.

Unfortunately for some of us standing upright is a frustrating experience - one hip may be higher than the other, one side of the rib cage lower -the act of standing upright isn’t, quite that easy.

The spine has three slight curves - one in the neck, one in the upper back and another in the lower back. These curves are normal and can be seen from a side view. From a back view, the spine should appear straight.

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Adult Gummy Vitamins – Lollies or Nutrient Source?

March 2, 2014

First there were gummy bears. Then along came gummy vitamins for kids.

And now, adult versions of these chewable supplements have hit supermarket shelves.

As well as gummy multivitamins, you can find specific nutrients like vitamin C, D, omega-3 and calcium in gummy form.

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5 Tips To Lead A Long And Healthy Life

March 1, 2014

The anti-ageing business is booming as the ageing Western population strives to live longer and look younger while we do it.

The problem is, while our life expectancy is increasing our 'health expectancy' is decreasing and many people spend the last few decades of their life suffering from chronic disease and disability.

So what is the secret to living a long AND healthy life?

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New Deadly Side Effects Links To Yasmine and Yaz

February 27, 2014

Yaz and sister pill Yasmine are among the most popular oral contraceptives prescribed in Australia, with an estimated 200, 000 women taking them.

Thousands of Australian women who suffered the serious side effects from the “miracle contraceptive” and have not been informed about the potential risk are seeking to sue big Pharma.

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Stilnox: Hackett, Sleepwalking and Addiction Exposed

Olympian Grant Hackett’s early morning antics at a Melbourne hotel are typical of people who have taken the notorious Stilnox sleeping pills. Hackett was photographed at the Crown Casino hotel on Saturday night while looking for his lost son, wearing a singlet for pants and apparently incoherent.

First prescribed to Grant in 2008, this medication has seen his career sink in and out of the pool. Lets take a closer look into the deadly side effects, court cases and celebrities behind this addictive sleeping pill.

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Alcohol – A Major Risk Factor for Breast Cancer

February 26, 2014

Alcohol is a socially accepted and commonly used drug which has become an integral part of Australian culture so it is no surprise that its role in cancer development is often overlooked. According to the World Health Organisation, more than 30% of cancer deaths could be prevented by avoiding known risk factors such as alcohol consumption.

Alcohol does not only contribute to mouth and oesophageal cancer, it is also a major risk factor for oestrogen-dependant cancers such as breast cancer. Find out how alcohol can disrupt your hormone levels and lead to serious health consequences.

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Vitamin C Found To Slash Stroke Risk

February 19, 2014

Vitamin C is well known for its antioxidant and immune boosting benefits, but research now confirms that it could be a lifesaving nutrient for people at risk of strokes too.

On average, results showed that people who had had a stroke were depleted in vitamin C while those who had not had a stroke had normal vitamin C levels.

Have you had your daily dose of vitamin C?

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Feeding Your Feelings? Ways To Overcome Emotional Eating

February 6, 2014

Whether it’s psychological or physiological, it’s clear that foods have a powerful effect on our moods and emotions

When life gets stressful, do you find yourself reaching for the biscuit tin, or for a large bag of crisps?

Emotions have an incredible power to influence our food choices – usually in the opposite direction of healthy eating.

Using food to calm emotions can become an unhealthy coping mechanism when underlying issues desperately need addressing.

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Fat Shaming – Bullying or a Necessary Wake Up Call?

With the rise of ‘fat shaming,’ ‘fat pride’ and ‘fitspiration’ on social media it can be confusing to tackle or even talk about the current obesity epidemic without offending someone.

At the same time should we be avoiding having necessary life saving interventions with overweight people because it is a sensitive subject?

With over 60% of Australians now overweight or obese, it is clear that our current anti-obesity measures are failing us as a nation.

Obesity is a serious health issue, and we don’t do anyone any favours by pretending otherwise.

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Fallen Off The Wagon Already? Ditch Your Bad Habits For Good This February!

February 5, 2014

As the first month of the year draws to a close, chances are your new years resolutions are already flagging.

Made with the best of intentions, plans to start hitting up the gym or cut down on drinking can easily be forgotten once your work routine gets into full swing again.

Or maybe you are just late off the mark and wanted to enjoy the last of the January festivities before getting serious about your health in 2014.

Whatever the reason, there is no better time to reassess and renew your health goals than now in February for a healthier, happier you this year.

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The Raw Food Movement – Dietary Revolution or Health Risk?

January 31, 2014

The Raw Food Movement has been taking the blogosphere by storm for a while now and is gaining popularity worldwide.

If you believe all the hype, Raw Food Diets could be the answer to any health problem ranging from obesity and cardiovascular disease to dull skin, low energy and poor digestion.

Are raw foods really that much better for us though?

Find out the potential benefits and risks of this popular health movement in raw food expose!

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When Healthy Habits Become a Disorder

January 22, 2014

It’s no wonder with all the media attention given to diet and health that people are starting to take their food and lifestyle choices more seriously.

But what happens when the goal of healthy eating becomes an unhealthy obsession with serious physical and emotional consequences?

Find out more about this newly recognised eating disorder known as Orthorexia nervosa.

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Top 5 Health Trends for 2014

January 16, 2014

From “super” foods like quinoa and kale, meal plans like the Paleo diet, and fitness crazes such as cross fit training, 2013 had its fair share of health trends.

New ways to get and stay healthy are always in the spotlight as more than 30 percent of Australians are classified as obese.

So what’s in store for 2014? Here are some predictions for trends you may see in your gym, supermarket, or hear around the water cooler this year. Find out if they’re worth incorporating into your lifestyle.

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Are You A Target Of Smart Drug Marketing?

January 13, 2014

Are you confused by the amount of choices available when trying to buy pain relief?

Not only are there several brands to chose from, there are different products in each brand which we are told will target different types of aches and pains.

The truth is, despite how these drugs are marketed none of them provide targeted pain relief.

So, before turning your bathroom cabinet into your own personal pharmacy with pain killers for every occasion, find out how these pain killers really work and how you may have been misled by smart drug marketing.

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Interval Training – Get More With Less

January 1, 2014

The tendency to go without physical activity and gain weight is the Achilles heel of our society.

Our bodies adapt quickly to physical exertion, so we have to trick them into not settling into an exercise routine that they can get comfortable with.

Research shows that interval training workouts in which you alternate periods of high-intensity exercise with low-intensity recovery periods increases fitness and burns more calories over a short period of time than steady-state cardio.

Interval training is the ideal workout for a busy schedule whether you want to squeeze in a workout during your lunch break or to get in shape for a fast-approaching event.

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Are Evil Characters Doomed Due To Deficiencies?

December 20, 2013

Could the battle of good vs evil really come down to the nutritional state of our favourite fantasy characters?

The authors of a quirky study released in the Christmas edition of the Medical Journal of Australia certainly think so!

Nicholas Hopkinson and his son, Joseph report, “Systematic textual analysis of The Hobbit supports our initial hypothesis that the triumph of good over evil may be assisted to some extent by the poor diet and lack of sunlight experienced by the evil characters.”

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10 Christmas Accident Funny Facts

December 19, 2013

A cocktail of excitement, stress, tiredness and alcohol can create unexpected hazards in the home at Christmas.

More than 80,000 people a year need hospital treatment for injuries such as falls, cuts and burns during the festive period.

Be safe this holiday season and read on for the top 10 Christmas accident funny facts…

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You’ve Had Your Prostate Gland Removed.. Now What?

December 4, 2013

Approximately 30% of Australian men have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and it is predicted to affect up to 31,000 men by 2020.

Radical prostatectomy (prostate removal) is a common procedure used for prostate cancer management – but what happens after surgery?

Many men are left with ongoing and unpleasant side effects from this surgery such as urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction.

Find out how you can improve your recovery experience after a radical prostatectomy for the best possible quality of life.

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Ubiquinol Linked to Improved Male Fertility

Ubiquinol, the activated form of CoQ10, could provide hope for infertile men according to the results of a recent clinical trial.

The double-blind, placebo-controlled trial sought to investigate the effects of ubiquinol on sperm density, motility and morphology in infertile men with unexplained oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT).

OAT is characterised by low sperm count, poor sperm movement and abnormal sperm shape, and is one of the leading causes of male subfertility.

For six months, 228 men were randomly assigned to receive either a 200mg oral dose of ubiquinol or placebo. At the completion of the trial all three parameters (density, motility and morphology) had improved.

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Harmful Cosmetics – Your Complete Skincare Guide

November 28, 2013

Every day we use multiple personal care products – from lipsticks to deodorant, lotion to mascara – that contain chemical ingredients we absorb through our skin, inhale and ingest.

These toxic chemicals could potentially be harmful to your reproductive organs, endocrine system and overall health.

Some of these chemicals are linked to cancer, birth defects, learning disabilities and other health problems epidemic in our society.

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Topical Steroids – The Dangers Are More Than Skin Deep

November 27, 2013

Topical steroids are currently the most widely prescribed drug in dermatological practice.

They are often effective at providing short term relief for inflammatory skin conditions, but they can cause an impressively long list of side effects if not used appropriately. These side effects are not limited to the skin either!

Steroid creams can interfere with hormonal balance, cardiovascular and metabolic health too.

Find out how to improve your skin health naturally and why using steroid creams unnecessarily is putting your health in danger.

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Deodorant – Top 4 Ingredients to Avoid

Have you used your deodorant today?

I’m sure you’ve likely suspected antiperspirant isn’t all that good for you, but do you know what exactly poses a threat to your health?

Breast cancer, dementia, dermatitis and organ damage may be a few reasons to be worried.

Here’s a look at the top 4 ingredients found in antiperspirants and why you might want to seek a natural alternative.

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The Great Statin Catalyst Controversy

November 21, 2013

Cholesterol and fat, the saturated variety in particular, have been vilified for decades. But how and why did these nutrients get such a bad reputation?

Catalyst on ABC TV recently challenged conventional knowledge and medical paradigms on cholesterol treatment and fats in the controversial documentary series, ‘The Heart of the Matter’.

Criticised by the mainstream media, health professionals and organisations including the Australian Heart Foundation as sensational, irresponsible and biased, this documentary has certainly ruffled some feathers.

So, did Catalyst simply overstate the problem with the mainstream cholesterol treatment model or is this the greatest medical deception of our time?

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Raise The Pressure – Treat Low Blood Pressure Naturally

November 20, 2013

While many of us are aware of the hazards of high blood pressure, low blood pressure is equally prevalent and dangerous.

When blood pressure falls below the normal pressure level, which is 120/80 mmHg, it is regarded as low blood pressure or hypotension.

So, is low blood pressure as bad as high blood pressure? Emed explains what happens with hypotension and ways to treat it naturally.

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Skinny No More – Healthy Weight Gain Guide

With many of us engaged in a constant battle of the bulge, the idea of being too thin makes us green with envy.

It’s not much fun, though, for people who are desperately trying to put on weight.

It definitely isn’t something to be jealous of.

For people who struggle to maintain a healthy weight or are trying to gain weight, it can be a real challenge.

If you want or need to gain weight, this is Emed’s guide to do it the healthy way – which is not about stuffing your face at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

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Everything You Need To Know About Resistance Exercise

October 31, 2013

After the age of 30, adults lose 3-8% of their muscle mass per decade. largely due to decreased activity.

As you lose muscle, you lose strength which will affect your quality of life.

Men and women of any age can benefit from resistance training.

Practising resistance or strength training using resistance bands is an effective health-boosting strategy.

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The Diet Pill Dilemma – Is It Worth The Risk?

October 23, 2013

Thinking of dropping a few kg’s before Summer hits by trying the latest weight loss formula?

Can slimming be as easy as popping a pill?

Unfortunately for most people, appetite control and weight loss is easier said than done and it’s easy to get sucked into weight loss advertising.

But before you hand over your hard earned money, you need to know why these quick fixes are bad news and could leave you heavier than when you started!

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Air Pollution – An Invisible Danger During Pregnancy

October 16, 2013

There are a number of health and lifestyle factors which we know will adversely affect foetal growth and development throughout pregnancy.

Maternal alcohol consumption, obesity and cigarette smoking just to name a few.

In one of the largest studies of its kind, researchers have reported this week that maternal exposure to air pollution can also significantly affect pregnancy outcomes.

With exposure to environmental toxins becoming unavoidable in modern life, find out how air pollutants can affect your pregnancy and how to best protect you and your infant’s health.

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Tennis Elbow – Better Solutions Than Ibuprofen

October 10, 2013

Tennis elbow is an over-use injury to the tendon of the forearm.

If you’ve ever suffered from Lateral Epicondylitis (aka “Tennis Elbow”), you’ve no doubt been frustrated by this condition’s tendency to linger. Tennis elbow is an over-use injury to the tendon of the forearm.

Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the tendons that join the forearm muscles on the outside of the elbow. The forearm muscles and tendons become damaged from overuse — repeating the same motions again and again. This leads to pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow.

There are many natural treatment options for this condition.

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Supercharge Your Exam Period – Cognition Boosting Essentials For Your Best Results

October 9, 2013

It is coming up to exam time again and thousands of high school and university students are buckling down for that last sprint to the finish.

It’s not uncommon for students to feel frustrated and overwhelmed as the pressure rises.

The good news is, there are many ways you can support your health to stay motivated, focussed, calm and improve your memory throughout this time.

Emed shares their secrets on how to get the most out of your study and blitz those exams!

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Poop Pills – Digestive Treatment of the Future?

Swallowing two to three dozen pills containing someone else’s fecal bacteria does not sound at all enticing but it may be a lifesaving therapy, new research reveals.

Researchers from the University of Calgary in Canada have formulated new ‘poop pills’ to treat stubborn and potentially deadly Clostridium difficile infections that affect millions of people worldwide.

With close to a 100% success rate, find out how this new treatment method may spell the end of intestinal bacteria imbalance and chronic gut infections.

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Is Codeine Use Amplifying Your Pain?

October 2, 2013

Think codeine is a quick and effective fix for your pain? Think again.

Researchers from the University of Adelaide, Australia have revealed that codeine actually increases pain sensitivity in a similar manner to morphine.

Find out why codeine is not your best choice for long term pain relief and how you could be unknowingly sabotaging your pain management efforts.

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Is Your Brain Under Threat From Your Modern Lifestyle?

September 19, 2013

The human brain, that most sensitive of organs, is under threat from the modern world.

Brain physiology is highly complex and has the power to influence everything we do.

Multiple studies link EMF exposure with genetic damage, cancer, neurological degeneration and dysfunction, developmental effects, reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

Unless we wake up to the damage that the gadget-filled, pharmaceutically-enhanced 21st century is doing to our brains, we could be walking towards a future of severe cognitive deterioration.

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Oil Pulling – Miracle Cure or Waste of Time?

Want to whiten your teeth, clear up your complexion and prevent bad breath?

A simple oil gargling routine in the morning could be the answer. Yes, oil gargling!

Oil pulling – swishing oil around your mouth for 20 minutes a day – is said to be a powerful means of maintaining good health as well as an effective cure for a variety of ills.

Emed looks closer at the ancient Ayurvedic ritual of oil pulling and see if its worth the hype.

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Research Insight – Broccoli Beats Osteoarthritis

September 11, 2013

Broccoli might be the vegetable that gets pushed around the plate, but the evidence is mounting that this humble green provides invaluable health benefits.

Rich in nutrients and cancer-fighting compounds such as sulforaphane, researchers have found that broccoli may also help to slow down arthritic joint degeneration.

Find out how this wonder veggie can improve joint health and potentially provide relief to thousands of osteoarthritis sufferers.

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Colour Yourself Healthy!

September 4, 2013

Fruits and vegetables grow in an array of vibrant colours, each group containing unique nutrients and antioxidants to promote health and vitality.

Eating a range of different coloured foods each day is not only great for flavour and variety, it helps to ensure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals to keep you feeling and looking your best!

Find out which foods help to improve different aspects of health and some family-friendly ways to include brightly coloured fruits and veg in your diet.

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Understanding Recurrent Miscarriage and How To Naturally Improve Your Fertility

September 3, 2013

The loss of a pregnancy at any stage can deal a devastating blow to expectant parents.

However, miscarriage is a common complication of pregnancy occurring in approximately one in four cases.

While considered fairly normal, in many cases there is no clear reason for a woman miscarrying.

Emed explains some of the most significant health factors associated with recurrent miscarriage as well as important testing and natural health measures you can take to improve your health and fertility for the future.

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Research Insight – High Iron Reduces PMS Risk

August 29, 2013

Suffer from PMS? Maybe a steak is the cure!

In the first ever study to evaluate the association between dietary mineral intake and the development of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), it has been found that women who consume high levels of iron are between 30-40% less likely to develop PMS than those who consume lower levels.

It was found that women in the highest intake group for non-haeme iron (the form found primarily in plant foods and supplements) had a relative risk of PMS of 0.64 compared to women in the lowest intake group.

The level of iron intake at which the effect is evident was greater than 20mg per day.

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The Link Between Sleep Apnoea And Erectile Dysfunction

August 21, 2013

Sleep has a major impact on our wellbeing and how we perform.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is very common among patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) and may be under recognised because patients do not spontaneously report the problem.

Not only is there a high incidence of ED among patients with OSA, but the two conditions together also tend to cause further detriments in both mood and quality of life than either condition alone.

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How To Stay A Hot Mamma Throughout Your Pregnancy

August 14, 2013

Pregnancy is a time that causes many women to re-evaluate their lifestyles and establish healthy habits.

For many women, this includes maintaining or starting an exercise routine.

Exercise during pregnancy has many benefits, such as improving sleep, reducing swelling or backaches caused by pregnancy, making labor and delivery easier, providing endorphins that can make you feel happier and more energetic, and helping you get your figure back faster after delivery.

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Research Insight – Probiotics Show Promise for Dental Cavity Prevention

August 7, 2013

Probiotics are often associated with gut and immune health, but it now seems they may benefit oral health too!

While research into the effects of probiotics on oral and dental health is a fairly new area of scientific interest, the evidence currently available shows promising results.

Find out more about the way dental cavities develop, and how your diet, lifestyle and bacteria levels can accelerate or put the brakes on this process.

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Are Your Breakfast Habits A Recipe For Heart Disease?

July 31, 2013

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but did you know that skipping it could prove to be deadly?

Results from a large-scale observational study show a significant association between skipping breakfast and having a heart attack or dying from coronary heart disease.

Find out why skipping breakfast has such a big impact on health and how to start your day off right!

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News Flash! Vitamin Water Still Not Healthy

July 24, 2013

In today’s health-obsessed culture, smart companies like Coca-Cola are cashing in on what has proven to be a very lucrative concept.

They are appealing to our better side by boasting their drink is full of essential vitamins and will somehow make you perform your daily tasks more efficiently – and this has gotten them in a spot of hot water!

The beverage company is facing a class action lawsuit for misleading health claims on their labels.

Despite their labels touting their ability to “balance” consumers and improve their “focus” and “energy”, the drinks are simply artificial concoctions of additives more likely to undermine drinkers’ health than improve it.

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TGA Reforms On The Complementary Medicine Industry – What You Need To Know

July 12, 2013

The Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia (TGA) is currently proposing to change a number of regulations regarding the advertising of natural medicines.

If accepted, these reforms are set to be implemented by July 2014 and will drastically and adversely affect the natural medicine industry from manufacturers to practitioners and consumers.

There has been surprisingly little news coverage of the reforms put forward by the TGA, and only a matter of days left to submit a response to the TGA.

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