
Rise Of The Superbugs
June 6, 2016
When penicillin and other antimicrobials became widely available after World War II, it was not long before their pathogenic targets began developing resistance to the drugs that were meant to quash them.
Drugs such as streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline and sulfonamide have lost much of their original potency, leaving us in a battle against the rise of the multi-drug- resistant âsuperbugsâ.
Supplements which support normal gut immune function reduce pathogenic invasion without the problem of resistance, and can safely be used alongside antimicrobial therapy, or as stand-alone treatment where drug therapy fails or compromises your health.

Managing Asthma – Your Step by Step Guide
March 9, 2016
Asthma can be a frightening condition to experience and horrible to witness.
One in ten people in Australia has asthma and it affects people of all ages.
In conjunction with intelligent application of conventional medicine and natural therapies, asthmas impact can be managed.

Do You Have IBS? You May Be Vitamin D Deficient
December 30, 2015
A large proportion of people living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are vitamin D deficient, a new study has found.
The British study, which is the first of its kind, found that out of 51 IBS patients tested 82 per cent exhibited insufficient vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D level testing should be undertaken in cases of IBS and supplementation should be part of the treatment protocol in cases of a likely deficiency.

Stool Analysis – Providing a Spotlight on Gastrointestinal Health
December 1, 2015
While it may be uncomfortable for many of us to discuss, stool analysis has become a very important tool to determine a wide range of gastro intestinal conditions.
Stool Analysis provides an overview of the components of digestion, absorption, intestinal function and microbial flora as well as pathogenic bacteria, parasites and yeasts.
By indicating a poor digestive function and imbalanced gut flora a number of health conditions can be better understood and more tailored treatment protocols can be implemented.
Dehydrated? Rehydrate on ORSBiotic!
October 28, 2015
ORSBiotic is one of Medlab’s latest product releases and, even though in its early stages is proving itself to be an essential product to replace fluids lost due to vomiting, diarrhoea and strenuous physical activity.
By providing essential electrolytes and various probiotic species, ORSBiotic provides rehydration support for the whole family.

Leaky Gut – A Pathway Towards Disease
October 15, 2015
Leaky gut has been known by Natural Health Practitioners to contribute to a range of debilitating conditions for many years.
Once diagnosed with a test such as an Intestinal Permeability kit, leaky gut can be effectively treated with proven ingredients, supplements and dietary changes.
Read on to find out more…

W8 Biotic – A Stellar Performer!
September 15, 2015
Catching the educated eye of Dr Ross Walker recently on 2UE radio, is the new Medlab product W8 Biotic.
W8Biotic is scientifically formulated to support lean body mass, weight management and maintain healthy blood glucose levels in healthy individuals when taken in conjunction with a calorie controlled eating plan.
W8 Biotic is dairy and gluten free, is suitable for vegetarians and is comprised of evidence based ingredients

Antibiotic Resistance – Bells Are Tolling!
July 22, 2015
Finally recognised as a public health issue, antibiotic resistance means infection- causing bacteria has become resistant to antibiotic medications.
All too often antibiotics are being prescribed and taken inappropriately and unnecessarily. Antibiotics have no effect in treating viruses, fungal infection or other illnesses that are not related to bacterial infection.
Australians are among the biggest offenders of anti-biotic over prescription, abuse and misuse and now resulting ‘Superbugs’ are becoming a global concern.
Diet Over Genes for Bowel Cancer Risk
May 13, 2015
In an insightful study researchers from the University of Pittsburgh asked 20 African Americans to do a diet switch with 20 rural Africans for two weeks.
The speed in which the body responded to the change in diet was frightening – especially regarding biomarkers for bowel cancer – for both of the research groups.
The results from this study suggest high-fibre diets could have a dramatic, positive effect on reducing colon cancer among populations most at risk.

Probiotics – Exploring Species and Strains
December 10, 2014
An understanding of the different probiotic strains can maximise the therapeutic effect of your probiotic supplement.
We all know how good supplementing with probiotics is in reducing the impact of  irritable bowel syndrome, poor immunity and antibiotic damage.
But what are those names and numbers on the bottle and what exactly do they do?

Lower Blood Pressure with Probiotics?
July 30, 2014
A new study in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension suggests that probiotics (a.k.a., âgoodâ bacteria) might offer another interesting benefit: Reduced blood pressure.
The analysis revealed that a constant consumption of probiotics can be part of a healthy lifestyle to help reduce high blood pressure, as well as maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
So even if it’s a little drop in blood pressure, this can have a big effect on health!