Osteoporosis Risk Reduced by Magnesium Supplementation

Increasing magnesium intake could increase bone density in the elderly and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a large American study has suggested.

Osteoporosis Australia describes osteoporosis as a condition in which the bones become fragile and brittle, leading to a higher risk of fractures than in normal bones.

Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose minerals,such as calcium, more quickly than the body can replace them, leadingto a loss of bone thickness (bone mass or density). As a result, bones become thinner and less dense, so that even a minor bump or accident can cause serious fractures.

In Australia, one in every two women and one in three men over 60 years will have an osteoporotic fracture in Australia.  According to a report issued in 2008, more than 600,000 Australians are now affected by osteoporosis, with this number set to rise.

More than 2,000 volunteers aged 70 to 79 took partin a cross-sectional American study by completing a food-frequency questionnaire. All supplements and dietary intakes of magnesium were calculated from ingredients databases.

The authors did notidentify the exact role of magnesium, but suggested that it may be viacalciotropic hormones, by acting as a buffer against acidic Western diets, or by substituting calcium in the bones.

Magnesium intake was positively associated by Bone Mass Density in white, but not black,men and women. These observations could be due to racial difference in calcium regulation or nutrient responses.

Dietary sources ofmagnesium include green, leafy vegetables, meats, starches, grains andnuts, and milk, however most Australians still don’t meet the recommended daily intake of 320mg for women and 420mg per day for men.

Emed’s Comment:

If you know or have known anyone with osteoporosis, you will have seen the devastating effects this preventable ailment can cause. Leaving the sufferer somewhat immobile for fear of fracturing a bone, osteoporosis simply does not get the media attention and research that it deserves.

Magnesiumis needed for proper muscle function, growth, repair, energy production and respiratory health. It is also crucial for calcium absorption.

Without enough magnesium, calcium can collect in the soft tissues and cause one type of arthritis. Not only does calcium collect in the soft tissues of arthritics, it is poorly, if at all, absorbed into their blood and bones. But taking more calcium isn’t the answer – it only amplifies the problem.

Magnesium taken in proper dosages can solve the problem of calcium deficiency. It will promote the absorption of calcium into the bones where it is needed, preventing osteoporotic conditions and pain.

Magnesium has a range of other benefits. In fact, magnesium deficiency will not only lead the way to osteoporosis,magnesium deficiency can lead to:

  • Muscle cramping, pain and spasms
  • Chronic back, neck and muscle pain and stiffness
  • Heart disease and high blood pressure
  • Irregular heart beats and palpitations
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • High cholesterol

In short, if you want to prevent osteoporosis, and other illnesses and disease, you need to supplement with magnesium.

Most of the patients that come into the clinic are chronically magnesium deficient. When they begin to take a magnesium supplement, their improvement is quite astonishing. They wake with less muscle pain and stiffness, their pain levels are reduced and they are able to return to normal duties much quicker and easier.

We stock the best magnesium muscle relaxants available, both online and in the clinic.For a list of the suitable products, go to:

What else can I do?

Building strong bones,especially before the age of 30, can be the best defence againstosteoporosis, and a healthy lifestyle can be a major factor in keepingbones strong.

For those over 30, don’t despair – what you do now can still have a massive impact on bone health in the future.

  • Knowing your exact magnesium levels is very difficult, and supplementing with the wrong amount can lead to a range of problems. This is why we have introduced the Emed Magnesium Level Test. This test, and corresponding report, will tell you your exact magnesium levels, and which natural supplement to take to correct these levels. This valuable information could truly make a huge change to your life now and in the future. Click here for more information.
  • Know what you need. Choosing natural medicine can be hard. We should all be taking the basics, but you really should knowwhat your body needs. This is where the Emed consultation comes in. Bycompleting the consultation, you will have a fully personalised guideto your specific areas of health that need addressing, and whichnatural medicines to take to promote optimal health. Click here to read more about the Emed consultation.
  • Are you getting enough sunshine? Vitamin D plays an enormous rolein our health, immunity and bone health, so if you’re not getting enough everyday, you could be putting yourself at risk. The Emed Vitamin D Level Testwill give you your exact vitamin D levels, as well as a detailed supplementation schedule to correct any deficiencies. Click here for more info.
  • Getting enough calcium? Interms of calcium, most of us really don’t get enough. Unless youconsume vast amounts of fresh dairy, chances are your levels are low. Agood calcium supplement/magnesium combined formulation like Fibroplex Plus will provide you with your daily doses of these vital nutrients.
  • If you suffer from arthritis or joint inflammation, you need to startsupplementing with a good all-round bone support formulation. In termsof a glucosamine/chondroitin formulation, our best pick is Arthrex.  Arthrex contains the glucosamine and collagen to help build bone andcartilage, and reduce symptoms of joint inflammation and pain.
  • Complete regular, weight-bearing exercise. Whilstcardio is still very important, we need to perform regularweight-bearing exercise to keep our bones, muscles and joints strongand healthy. Aim to complete a light weights program 3-4 times perweek, every week, with some cardio sessions in between. For some stretching and exercise ideas, go to ‘The Wellness Protocol – Stretching and Exercise.’
  • Reduce the grog and smokes. Regular consumption of 2 or 3 drinks a day increases the risk of osteoporosis. It interferes with the absorption and use of calcium and vitamin D and other bone nutrients, as well as contributing to obesity and diabetes.Cigarette smoking was first identified as a risk factor for osteoporosis more than 20 years ago. Though the exact cause has not been found, recentstudies have shown a direct relationship between tobacco use anddecreased bone density. This isn’t to mention the other massivelydetrimental health effects cigarette smoking has. Quit now, instead oftomorrow, and stop kidding yourself.

Further Reading: