Memory and Concentration

Alzheimer's Disease
This slowly progressive brain disorder - marked by increasing memory loss and disorientation - is a heart-wrenching experience for patients and caregivers. Early treatment may help to slow down or temporarily reverse the course of this devastating illness.
What is it?
Alzheimer's disease, a degenerative brain disorder, impairs memory and mental functioning. The onset is typically very slow. Initially, Alzheimer's sufferers have short-term memory loss and difficulty in making decisions; they may forget how to perform simple tasks. Advanced stages bring loss of memory and speech, loss of bladder and bowel control, and changes in temperament, such as excessive hostility or withdrawal. Alzheimer's disease affects about 6% or people over the age of 65, and 20% to 40% of those over 85.
Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity
The right diet and supplements can make a huge difference, and even make drugs unnecessary, for kids with ADD and ADHD.
Food,while nourishing, can also energise or subdue, comfort or agitate. A growing body of evidence implicates diet in the commonly diagnosed attention deficit disorder (ADD). Simple meal modification may eliminate the need for the frightening array of drugs being prescribed to control children. Diet can mean the difference between a normal childhood and years of difficult behaviour or behaviour-modifying drugs.
Attention deficit disorder is the fastest-growing childhood disorder in Australia. A corresponding condition is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or ADD with hyperactivity. A third category is the combination of these two. For purposes of clarity inthis article, I will use ADD to designate the inattentive type and ADHD for the hyperactive-impulsive and combined types.

Does Your Brain Have Diabetes? A New Take on Alzheimer’s Disease
Previously thought to be limited to the body, it appears that diabetic changes can also affect the brain and the central nervous system.
Researchers have found that insulin resistance in the brain may now be a leading cause of Alzheimer’s disease.
Emed explores the role of insulin in cognitive function and memory and explains how poor metabolic health can cause you to develop this degenerative form of dementia.
Since insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes are now global epidemics, this article is a must-read for anyone wanting to preserve their sanity long into the future!

Boost Your Brain Power and Sharpen Your Mind
Progressive memory loss, dementia, and related cognitive dysfunction states have become a catastrophic medical and social problem in Western societies.
We all know that the brain must be kept in top condition to guarantee us a clear mind, a strong capacity for learning, a good mood and an air-tight memory.
Regardless of your age, understanding the importance of the role of proper nutrition in brain health will enable you to optimize your brain’s abilities and potentially reduce the risk of dementia disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Numerous controlled clinical trials have demonstrated improved brain performance from dietary supplementation with specific nutrients and botanicals.

Boost Your Memory with Blueberries and Reverse Mental Decline
A new study with lab rats has suggested that supplementing with blueberries for one, two or four months may slow and even reverse the declining mental function associated with age.
Cognitive performance declines normally with age, however new results published in the journal Nutrition indicate that for elderly rats, one month's supplementation with blueberries was associated with an improvement in the memory scores, as measured in a maze.
Additionally, data showed that the effects lasted for some time even after the diet was stopped.