The Miracle Weight Loss Hormone

High protein diets have been around for years but it has only been recently that more evidence has come about relating high high-protein-diet-paleo-diet
protein diet to losing weight and keeping it off.

New research suggests that protein makes people feel fuller and more satisfied for a longer period of time compared to carbohydrates or fat.

This greater satiety leads to a greater control in appetite and fewer calories consumed throughout the day.

But before now, the direct mode of action was a mystery

It all comes down to a hunger fighting hormone – PYY.

This hormone can be increased by eating a higher protein diet, researchers report in the September issue of the journal Cell Metabolism.

The hormone, known as peptide YY (PYY), was earlier found by the researchers to reduce food intake by a third in both normal-weight and obese people when given by injection.

“We’ve now found that increasing the protein content of the diet augments the body’s own PYY, helping to reduce hunger and aid weight loss,” said Medical Research Council clinician scientist Rachel Batterham of University College London, who led the new study.

In a study in normal-weight and obese people, the researchers now show that enhanced-protein meals stimulate greater release of PYY than either high-fat or high-carbohydrate meals and result in a greater reduction of hunger.

One potential weight loss strategy is therefore to increase the satiating power of the diet and promote weight loss through the addition of dietary protein – harnessing our own satiety system.


Back to the Stone Age

A high protein diet is perhaps more typical to that of our hunter-gatherer ancestors.

The Paleolithic diet consists of foods that can be hunted and fished, such as meat, offal and seafood, and can be gathered, such as eggs, insects, fruit, nuts, seeds, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and spices.

The average Western diet derives 49% of energy intake from carbohydrate, 35% from fat, and 16% from protein.

That differs considerably from the diet of hunter-gatherers, who ate as much as twice the amount of protein.


Emed’s Comment

In a world that is over consuming carbohydrates – this is some welcomed research.

In theory, losing weight is quite simple – just eat less and exercise more – but of course, putting it into practice can be complicated.

Finding a diet with the right combination of nutrients, that you enjoy, and works with your lifestyle is a very individual process.

This is not a fad diet, adopting a higher protein diet is something that will benefit you for life.

Increased protein diets have been used to treat Diabetes, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and High Blood Pressure.


Protein – Not Just for Weight Loss

Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues.

You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals.

Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

Lack of protein on the other hand, can cause growth failure, loss of muscle mass, decreased immunity, weakening of the heart and respiratory system, and death.

Protein malnutrition leads to the condition known as kwashiorkor, suffered especially by people in regions of the world where protein is not available.


Choosing the right kind of protein

The type of protein you eat may play a role in successful weight loss and in your overall health.

Consumption of large quantities of processed meats such as hot dogs, sausages, and deli meats, have been linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and bowel cancer.

You’ll have a harder time maintaining weight loss if you eat these proteins often, and you may be damaging your body.

Here’s your guide to the best protein for weight loss and optimum health:nourish-bowl1

  • Spirulina:  this superfood has an outstanding protein content.
  • Seafood: Some fish, like salmon, have important omega 3 oils. Other seafood, like lobster are high protein with low fat.
  • Poultry: White meat turkey and chicken (without the skin) is low in fat, low in calories and one of the best protein sources.
  • Quinoa: This grain can replace wheat or rice in your cooking while offering a complete protein (something no other grain offers)
  • Dairy: Low-fat dairy, like yogurt, skim milk and cottage cheese, are good protein sources for calcium.
  • Eggs: Are also an excellent, complete protein.
  • Beans: Legumes and beans are the best sources for vegetable protein. Plus they’re high in fibre, which helps you to feel full longer.
  • Nuts: An handful of almonds offers 6 protein grams and healthy fatty acids.
  • Grains: Brown rice and whole grain breads, crackers and cereals, like oatmeal, provide some protein and lots of healthy fibre.
  • Meat: Although meat is a high protein food, red meat has been shown to increase the risk of inflammation and some cancers. So eat very lean meat only occasionally and avoid all processed meats.

As a rule of thumb then, three times each day you should consume about the amount of protein source in a food serving which could be held in the palm of your hand — about the size of a chicken breast.

This constitutes about 30% of your calories. Have whatever fat comes associated with that protein, and add the equivalent of three handfuls of high-fiber vegetables.


Protein Powders

If you want a quick and easy way to add more protein to your day then you may consider a protein powder.

There are many different forms of protein found in protein powders.

Whey protein in particular seems to be a good protein source form promoting feelings of satiety and fullness.

Whey intake suppresses plasma ghrelin – our appetite stimulating hormone.

By suppressing this hormone, appetite is suppressed and food intake is reduced.

Whey contains high concentrations of branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine), and it has been suggested that these amino acids have a unique metabolic role, possibly enhancing satiety due to interactions with insulin signalling pathways.

Emeds Best Whey Weight Loss Formulas:


Metagenics Shake it Weight Loss program

The Professional Weight Management Program is an easy to follow, scientifically advanced, fat loss program that has been proven both safe and effective.

Based on a carbohydrate controlled diet this program incorporates good levels of dietary protein, appropriate levels of healthy fats and moderate exercise to support rapid and lasting fat loss.

The program encourages the body to utilise fat as the primary source of fuel by restricting carbohydrates and therefore, glucose availability.

This causes a metabolic shift toward fat metabolism (specifically, the utilisation of free fatty acids for energy), resulting in rapid fat loss while preserving muscle mass.

A marker of successful fat burning is in the production of urinary ketones, a metabolic by-product of fat burning, which are easily measured with a urine dip stick test twice daily throughout the program.

Whilst on the program, you can expect to safely lose up to 2kg per week.

Click here to learn how this program can help you get to your weight loss goals.


Emed Tailored Weight Loss Program

If you feel that you need some expert help with your weight loss goals talk to one of Emed’s Qualified Integrative Medicine Practitioners today.

An E-Consult connects you to an Emed Practitioner that can formulate a weight loss program for you that best suits your lifestyle and nutritional requirements.

You can be connected via Skype in the comfort of your own home or office.

Click here to find out more about an Emed E-Consult.


Further reading: