Ornithine is a non-essential amino acid and is manufactured by the body, the amino acid, arginine, is metabolized during urea production and is required by the body as it acts as a precursor of citrulline, proline and glutamic acid.
What it is
Ornithine is alpha-gamma-diaminovaleric acid. It is synthesized from arginine. It is closely related in the formation of urea.
In the Krebs Hensleit urea cycle, ornithine takes part in the synthesis of citrulline where ornithine reacts with carbamyl phosphate to form citrulline.
Ornithine may take part in the synthesis of proline and glutamic acid. Ornithine is a non-essential amino acid and is manufactured by the body, the amino acid, arginine, is metabolized during urea production and is required by the body as it acts as a precursor of citrulline, proline and glutamic acid.
What it does
Ornithine helps to prompt the release of growth hormones, which promotes the metabolism of excess body fat (this effect is enhanced if combined with Arginine and Carnitine).
It is necessary for a healthy immune system. It detoxifies ammonia and aids in liver regeneration. Ornithine stimulates insulin secretion and helps insulin work as an anabolic (muscle building) hormone.
- Growth hormone release
- Fat metabolism
- Immune system function
- Ammonia detoxification
- Liver rejuvenation
- Healing and repair of skin and tissue
- Remove toxic ammonia from liver
- Combats muscle loss
For those who supplement with ornithine, 5-10 grams is a typical daily dosage (sometime combined with arginine).