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Vitamin D Level Testing


The harshness of the Australian sun is well-documented, and ourpopulation tends to split between bathing in the sun for hours on end,or covering ourselves completely in an effort to avoid sunburn and skincancer.

Though abstinence from the sun may help to prevent cancerof the skin, deficiency of vitamin D, which is created in the body fromUVB rays can result in many serious illnesses and diseases, includinghypertension, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases,memory loss, stroke, heart attacks and cancer.

Getting enough Vitamin D is crucial for your health. Are you getting enough vitamin D everyday?

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The harshness of the Australian sun is well known, and our population tends to split between bathing in the sun for hours on end, or covering ourselves completely in an effort to avoid sunburn and skin cancer.

Though abstinence from the sun may help to prevent cancer of the skin, deficiency of vitamin D, which is created in the body from UVB rays can result in many serious illnesses and diseases, including hypertension, multiple sclerosis, stroke, heart attacks and cancer. Getting enough Vitamin D is crucial for your health.

Are you getting enough vitamin D everyday?

Of the five types of Vitamin D, D3 is crucial for our health. Vitamin D3 is made in the skin when a type of cholesterol contained in our outer body fat reacts with UVB ultraviolet light.

Why Do We Need Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a prohormone, meaning that it has no hormone activity itself, but is converted to the active hormone 25-hydroxyvitamin D through a tightly regulated body process.

Too much of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D can create havoc with our hormonal systems.

Generally, adequate amounts of Vitamin D3 can be made in the skin after only ten to fifteen minutes of sun exposure at least 2-3 times per week on the face, arms, hands, optic fibres in the eyes or back without sunscreen.

However, season, geographic latitude, time of day, cloud cover, skin cover, skin colour, fog and sunscreen greatly affect UV ray absorption and vitamin D synthesis.

A critical determinant of Vitamin D production in the skin is the presence and concentration of melanin. Melanin acts as a ¶?light filter’ in the skin. The higher the concentration of melanin in the skin is related to the ability of UVB light to penetrate the skin and reach synthesis stage.

Therefore, individuals with higher skin melatonin content will simply require more time in sunlight to produce the same amount of vitamin D as individuals with lower melanin content.

Though Vitamin D is relatively ¶?easy’ to get, civilisation and technology has allowed us to work, exercise and relax indoors.

The more sedentary we are, the more we stay indoors and the more we shy away from the sun – the worse this problem is going to get.

What Happens When Vitamin D is Low?

Deficiency of Vitamin D can result from a number of factors; inadequate intake and exposure to UVB light, disorders that limit Vitamin D absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, conditions that impair the synthesis of Vitamin D and body characteristics like skin colour and body fat.

Vitamin D can be linked to an increased susceptibility to a range of common and misdiagnosed conditions, such as hypertension, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, memory loss, stroke, heart attacks and cancer.

Vitamin D is also known for its role in ¶?seasonal affective disorder’ – a condition also known as ¶?winter blues’ that affects mood and promotes depression in people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year.

A lack of sun exposure, and therefore vitamin D during the winter period results in these depressive moods, showing how vitamin D deficiency can adversely affect our mental health.

Vitamin D is also known for its immunomodulatory functions – its beneficial effects for the normalisation and health of the immune system. The vitamin D hormones, calcitriol, has been found to induce death of cancer cells, with many studies revealing it’s positive benefits.

Vitamin D is involved in normal cell growth and maturation, helping to prevent cell deformities and overgrowth.

The most prominent role of Vitamin D is to maintain blood calcium levels within an acceptable range. Vitamin D stimulates intestinal calcium absorption and re-absorption in the kidneys, and regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus which are vital for many body functions, including normal growth and development of bones and teeth.

Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of the immune system and in the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, aiding in the regulation of blood sugar.

Vitamin D is crucial for many processes in the body and for the prevention of illness and disease. A case of vitamin D deficiency is often overlooked for a more complex diagnosis.

Vitamin D testing is important for a large percentage of Australians to enhance health and disease prevention.

What Will I Get From The Test?

After completing the Vitamin D test, you will have a personalised guide to your current Vitamin D levels and an ideal strategy for how to stabilise them.

There will be no more running from practitioner to practitioner in the search for an answer – the information provided is priceless and could provide an end to your symptoms.

Most importantly, we will analyse the test results for you and provide an easy-to-understand but comprehensive manual and allergy report. The comprehensive manual will show you:

  • What your Vitamin D level is, and what it should be
  • What strategy to take in order to stabilise your Vitamin D level
  • How the different foods in your diet may be affecting your Vitamin D level
  • Which exact natural medicine is right for you based on your individual result
  • What dosage and time to take your natural medicine
  • Dietary suggestions and information to promote optimal health
  • Ongoing online support from Dr. Hooper and The Emed Team to help you implement the dietary changes and get the best results from the Test

What Does The Cost Cover?

The Initial website cost covers the processing of all information and interpretation and collation of final results into your personalised comprehensive report.

All fees for the physical blood tests and transportation are to be covered by yourself at time of appointment.

You will be given a referral after purchasing this test to take to your nearest blood collection centre.

Approximate cost for the Vitamin D Test is $65.00 at sample collection.