Toxins and Diseases

Polypharmacy – Too Much of a Bad Thing for Our Elderly!
February 12, 2016
Do you know someone who has more than four types of medication in the bathroom cabinet?
Rather than improving health outcomes, it’s a major cause for alarm – polypharmacy (the use of four or more medications by a patient) leads to an increased risk of frailty or death in our elderly as shown by research conducted by an Australian cohort.
Half of Australians over 65 years of age take at least five different types of medicine (prescription and non-prescription). Among over 75-year-olds, the numbers are even higher.
As health practitioners we need to provide better alternatives and perhaps think about reducing or stopping many medications altogether to minimise drug related problems.

Australian Honey – A Scandal Created?
February 2, 2016
Australian and New Zealand honey faced a full frontal attack from an international study recently, raising questions of how safe are our locally made honey products?
Is this a reckless claim aimed to discredit our honey industry or does this raise some alarming points that we should all be aware of?

A Heated Concern – Vegetable Oil is Toxic
November 13, 2015
It might seem counter-intuitive, but frying with butter or lard is healthier than frying with vegetable oil according to recent conclusions from a British study.
In results that threaten to turn on its head official advice that oils rich in polyunsaturated fats – such as corn oil and sunflower oil – are better for the health than the saturated fats in animal products, recent experiments have determined that vegetable oil when cooked at high temperatures releases toxic chemicals linked to cancer and other diseases.

What’s Hiding in Your Food? The Dangers of MSG
August 18, 2015
Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is a food additive often used to enhance the flavor of foods, in particular processed ones.
Hundreds of millions of pounds of MSG are added to foods worldwide every year. You probably already know about the harmful health effects of MSG and are trying to avoid it.
But did you know that it could actually be hiding in your food under other names?