In this section we explore the concepts, myths, mis information and mystery surrounding diet and Nutrition.
Remember, we are about Optimum Nutrition. Not just minimum RDA’s so you don’t drop dead, get scurvy or rickets. RDA’s are so last century.
We believe that you should eat well and supplement well. And we now have the technology to do so. Check the eClinic for more detail.
You cannot medicate yourself out of a disease you are eating yourself into.
Nor can you just rely on your diet to provide all your nutrients – because we all eat commercially grown food. Thanks Monsanto! One without the other will always lead to a sub-optimal status.
The thing is, if we talk about a ‘good diet’ – what does that actually mean?
A ‘good diet’ for the average GP or nutritionist is 6 to 8 serves of wheat a day. If you think that is ‘good’ then perhaps you need to spend some time extracting yourself from the 80’s and come up to speed.
However, a great diet, or great nutrition can be just that – a lot of fun. Your stomach does not have to think your throat has been cut.
Through your diet you are talking to your genes. The very food you eat, will up regulate and down regulate your genetic expression. It switches on (or off) the genes that help determine our health and avoid disease.
So have fun with it. Eat as many colours as you can in your foods. Avoid the deep fried, ‘dead stuff’, and keep off the grains. Read on.
Advanced Reading
Ok, so you have got the basics under control.
Here is some advanced reading to explore more complex issues regarding diet.
As always, we recommend discussing any dietary changes with your Emed practitioner through an eConsultation prior to implementation.
Junk Food
Gorging on junk food may not just make you fat – it could also give you dementia. Evidence is growing that a bad diet triggers dementia by poisoning the brain.
With studies strongly implicating the hormone insulin in the process, some believe dementia to be another version of diabetes.
Bad diets are already linked to dementia, through high blood pressure and cholesterol interrupting blood supply to the brain. But the latest research points to high levels of fatty and sugary food damaging the brain by interrupting its supply of insulin.
Junk food is also irrevocably linked Diabesity, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer and Gangrene.
There is so much downside to eating the poison – why do we do it to ourselves?
The problem is – that it can taste soooo good.
Man’s Interference
It is a sad and sorry state of affairs when you cannot even trust the food you eat.
Unfortunately this is how things are progressing.
Food is big business and comes with Big profits.
However under the guise of the ‘feed the world’ campaigns we now consume foods that are altered considerably from their original form and genetic structure.
Hybridisation, genetic modification, genetic enhancement, fortified, ‘enhanced’ – what does it all mean?
No Pain – No Grains
It may come as quite a shock, but the ‘good healthy grains’ that you have been encouraged to eat are anything but good and healthy for you.
In this section of the site, we explore of the issues with regard to the impact of grains on our diet and the massive problems they cause.
With out exaggeration, the removal of grains – and in particular wheat and gluten – is the single biggest modification you can make to improve your health and speed up your recovery. Assuming you don’t do something galactically stupid like smoke, take drugs or drink soft drink.
As upsetting as this concept is – You really need to under go a ‘Radical Wheat-ectomy’.
It usually takes about 2 to 3 months to get your head around this proposition. Initially your stomach will think your throat has been cut.
But – it is worth the effort.
Optimal Water Intake
Without a regular supply of it you can get fatigued, headaches and joint problems.
What is it? It’s not aspirin! It’s the latest new wonder drug: pure water.
And, when the temperature is soaring, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re well hydrated.
However, everyone is different, and the old ‘8 glasses a day’ idea may not be right for you. Read on to find out exactly how much is right for you.
Cooking healthy, nutritious meals doesn’t have to be difficult.
Some forward planning, fresh ingredients and some great recipes makes itsimple to whip up delicious family meals!
Our recipe section includes some tasty dinner recipes, as well as our exclusive Super Smoothies that your little athletes will love!
Why Change Our Diet?
In short – Because it is NOT WORKING.
In Australia most adults are overweight (65%) and a large percentage are clinically obese.
As for our children, 40% are overweight by the time they turn 12 andabout half of that 40% are clinically obese. They never had a chance!
We are now the fattest country (per capita) IN THE WORLD.
If you have made the decision to go vegetarian great – but you do need to be very careful with your diet and take extra care in preparing your foods in the right balance.
Whilst being a vegetarian does decrease your risk of heart disease and many forms of cancer.
There is a very real possibility you may not get enough protein or develop specific nutrient deficiencies.
So there is a few things to consider and this section will give you something to ruminate….
Vitamin and Mineral Information
Got Questions about Vitamins and Minerals? We have got some answers.
Need some help understanding the basics?
Hopefully this section of the website should do the job.
Here we discuss the basics of the most common Vitamin and Minerals in our diet.
It is an extensive list covering many of the most important components of our food.