Junk Food
Gorging on junk food may not just make you fat – it could also give you dementia. Evidence is growing that a bad diet triggers dementia by poisoning the brain.
With studies strongly implicating the hormone insulin in the process, some believe dementia to be another version of diabetes.
Bad diets are already linked to dementia, through high blood pressure and cholesterol interrupting blood supply to the brain. But the latest research points to high levels of fatty and sugary food damaging the brain by interrupting its supply of insulin.
Junk food is also irrevocably linked Diabesity, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer and Gangrene.
There is so much downside to eating the poison – why do we do it to ourselves?
The problem is – that it can taste soooo good.
Junk food is a constant impost on our lives.
Ads for junk food are on the telly every second of the day, every magazine, and many websites.
So how are you going to deal with it? How do you protect your kids?
Read on for some more insight.

Food Addiction, Fact or Fiction?
From drug junkies to shop-a-holics, there’s all sorts of addictions — but food addiction?
You’ve got to be kidding, right?

Five of the Worst Foods You Can Eat
Coke, chips and doughnuts may taste good, but the end result creates more of a keg than a six-pack around your midsection not to mention what's happening inside your body. Our list of the five worst foods you can eat is sure to put you off fries and burgers for good.

Food To Die For
They say “You are what you eat”. If this does apply, you should be glad that these meals haven’t made it to Australia just yet.
Scarily enough, one of these meals contains up to a week’s worth of calories for the average person. This isn’t to mention the dangers to those with cardiac disease, cholesterol issues, and weight management problems.
It’s only a matter of time before these meals hit Australia. Let’s just hope that your willpower is strong enough to avoid these calorie-laden meals.