Man’s Interference
It is a sad and sorry state of affairs when you cannot even trust the food you eat.
Unfortunately this is how things are progressing.
Food is big business and comes with Big profits.
However under the guise of the ‘feed the world’ campaigns we now consume foods that are altered considerably from their original form and genetic structure.
Hybridisation, genetic modification, genetic enhancement, fortified, ‘enhanced’ – what does it all mean?
Here is some serious food for thought.

Genetic Mutation On A Plate – Why You Should Say No To GMO
Genetically Modified Foods are sneaking into our supermarket isles and shopping trolleys more and more.
In America, they already form a large part of the commercial food supply.
Genetically Modified Foods, or Organisms (GMOs) are a controversial topic, due to safety and environmental concerns surrounding the development of these products.
Emed uncovers the most important facts you need to know about GMOs so you can make an informed decision about the foods you choose to eat.

Junk Food is Healthier Than Many Baby Foods
The results of a survey surprised many researchers recently when it was revealed that high-fat, high-calorie fast food is actually more healthy than some baby foods.
The British food study showed that many popular brands of baby food contained as much fat, salt and artificial colours as an equal piece of a McDonald’s quarter pounder. The baby foods, touted as natural and beneficial, could actually be doing your baby more harm than good.

What Hidden Nasties Are Lurking in Your Food?
They’re in that list of 150 ingredients on the bag of chips you’re holding, lurking around, just waiting to damage your health!
The signs are subtle, but if you look closely enough, you’ll see them.
Hidden additives are everywhere – and in many foods that you wouldn’t expect.
Read our guide on the worst hidden additives and how these offenders could be affecting you and your family.

Margarine Myth Busted For Good
Official dietary guidelines have told us to avoid saturated fats for over 50 years now and encouraged us to eat more polyunsaturated vegetable fats like margarine.
If you listen to the advertising material of margarine companies you may also think that margarine is actually good for your heart health.
A meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal in early February of 2013 has now brought this information into question.
This research review reports that contrary to popular belief; rates of death from all causes, including cardiovascular and coronary heart disease are increased when dietary saturated fats are replaced with polyunsaturated omega 6 fats.
In this article Emed exposes the truth on the longstanding misconceptions surrounding margarine, dietary fats and heart disease.

Permeate Free Milk – What’s The Big Deal?
It’s our daily drink… now more affordable than ever.
But is your glass of milk really only HALF full?
Up to 12 percent of your carton could be permeate – a by-product of dairy production. The more permeate mixed in, the less farm milk needed, the cheaper each bottle is to produce.
But is this last episode in the supermarket milk war a marketing gimmick and is this just shifting the focus of what is really in our milk?
Emed explains the state of our milk industry and the raw milk revolution.