Eye signs – A Window To Your Inner State Of Health
The practice of Iridology tells us that eyes are not only a window of the soul, but a minature map of our internal body.
This traditional technique is used by many natural health professionals to assess a range of physical and psychological/emotional aspects of health.
It is believed that colours, shapes, textures and patterns in a person’s iris can indicate constitutional predispositions to certain health conditions, inflammatory processes and toxic congestion.
The strengths and weaknesses of body systems and organs as well as probable personality traits can also be assessed through Iridology.
Interestingly, some clinical studies have now confirmed the link between the characteristics of a person’s iris and their temperament or disease susceptibility.
Remember, these signs cannot be used to diagnose specific conditions, but provide helpful clues for further health investigations.
In this third and final part of our Body Signs Series, we guide you through some of the most common eye signs and iris types.
Iris Colours and Constitutions
Eye colour is determined by the melanin content of this front layer (stroma) of the iris which is regulated by a number of genetic factors.
Blue iris
Blue irises are traditionally recognised as ‘lymphatic’ constitution types.
People with lymphatic constitutions are believed to be more prone to conditions associated with lymphatic congestion such as allergies, excess mucous production, overactive immune function, skin conditions, urinary and respiratory problems and over acidity.
Lymphatic types may benefit from cleansing and alkalising juices, avoiding congesting and allergenic foods such as wheat and dairy, and regular exercise to promote healthy lymphatic circulation.
The mineral salt, Potassium Chloride is an excellent lymphatic cleanser if you suffer from chronic congestion.
Mixed blue-brown iris
This colour is known as a ‘Biliary’ iris and is associated with digestive disturbances, usually originating from the liver.
Conditions most likely to affect Biliary constitutional types include indigestion, fat malabsorption, irritable bowel symptoms, liver or gallbladder problems such as gallstones and blood lipid problems due to sluggish liver function.
Glandular (endocrine) and reproductive conditions can also be a problem.
People with mixed irises experiencing any of these symptoms may require digestive enzymes and herbal liver support to enhance digestion and detoxification.
Probiotics will also benefit Biliary types suffering from diarrhoea or constipation, especially with the presence of food allergies.
Brown iris
In Iridology, brown irises are associated with a predisposition to cardiovascular and circulatory problems, in addition to similar digestive, glandular and liver conditions as Biliary constitution types.
Brown eyes are most common in people with Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, African and Indian backgrounds, and are called Haematogenic constitutions.
In comparison, lymphatic constitutions are more likely to be found in people of European descent.
Lifestyle and dietary measures focussed on improving or maintaining cardiovascular health are important for Haematogenic types, as well as any necessary digestive and liver support.
Sclera Signs
The sclera is the white part of the eye, made up of collagen and elastic fibre.
Like iris signs, discolouration or changes to the appearance of the sclera can indicate underlying health problems.
Blood vessels visible in the sclera
There are a number of possible causes behind this sign, including allergies, environmental factors such as climate and pollution, infection, dry eyes, fatigue and eyestrain.
Burst blood vessels in the eye while unattractive are not usually serious and will resolve naturally over a few days.
If you suffer from bloodshot eyes, ensure your eyes are properly hydrated by drinking plenty of water and increase your intake of essential fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory and provide lubrication for mucous membranes.
Vitamin C in conjunction with Bioflavonoids also works wonders for tired, red eyes as these nutrients strengthen capillary walls to avoid blood vessel leakage, as well as providing antioxidant support.
Bilberry, a herb specific for eye health is an invaluable remedy for red eyes as it enhances oxygen circulation, strengthens capillary walls, reduces inflammation and oxidation.
Fatty deposits in sclera or around the eyes
These deposits are yellow in colour, consisting of fat and cholesterol, and are a classic sign of dyslipidaemia.
They may also be a warning of increased risk of atherosclerosis, so fasting blood lipid testing (cholesterol, triglycerides) is advised.
To improve blood lipid regulation, support liver health and detoxification with liver-loving foods and lipotropic herbs and nutrients such as those found in BioCeuticals Lipotropene.
The mineral salt Sodium Sulfate is specific for improving liver and gallbladder function, particularly for people suffering from fluid retention too.
Yellowing of the sclera
Yellow eyes often occur with yellowing of the skin and are a sign of jaundice.
Jaundice is usually caused by poor liver function and inflammation leading to increased bilirubin levels in the body. Bilirubin, the by-product of red blood cell breakdown, can also be elevated due to certain types of anaemia.
If you have this eye sign, consult your healthcare practitioner for further testing to establish the underlying cause.
Support your liver with the dietary tips mentioned above, and try a supplement like LipoTone to enhance liver function and reduce hepatic inflammation.
Final Word
Due to the vast range of different eye and iris signs it is impossible to discuss them all now. However if you are interested in getting a more detailed analysis of your eyes, take a picture to show your Emed Practitioner during your next E-Consult.
In general, eye health relies on our overall state of wellbeing, adequate hydration and nutrient supply.
Essential fatty acids, antioxidant nutrients such as beta carotene, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and selenium as well as the mineral, zinc are amongst the range of nutrients vitally important for the eyes.
This translates to plenty of brightly coloured fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly dark green leafy veggies, carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, capsicum and berries.
Include raw brazil nuts in your diet for selenium and snack on walnuts, almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds for some good fats and minerals.
Further Reading:
Larsson, M. et al. 2007, Associations between iris characteristics and personality in adulthood, Biological Psychology, Vol. 75 (2)