Fish Oil Can Help Fight Diabetes

We know that fish is really good for you – with the omega-3 fattyacids, protein and nutrients – we should all be eating more of it.However, a new study has revealed some extraordinary results about ourfishy friends.

The new study, published in the Journal of American Medical Associationfound that a diet rich in fish and other sources of omega-3 fatty acidscan help to cut the risk of diabetes in children, even with a familyhistory of this condition.

Author of the study, Jill Norris, said “It is a relatively large effect,” “It is exciting because it suggests we might be able to develop nutritional interventions to prevent diabetes.”

For children, the most common form of diabetes is “Type 1″, formerly called juvenile diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the immune system goes haywire, and starts attacked insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

Though no one knows exactly what triggers the process, hereditary and environmental factors such as diet are though to play a role.

Several studies performed on animals have suggested that omega-3 fatty acids – which are typically found in fish, flaxseed oil, walnuts, soybeans and others foods may significantly help.

Norris and colleagues at the University of Colorado at Denver began the test to determine whether omega-3 fatty acids offer a potential protective effect. The study involved 1,770 children between 1994 and 2006 who were deemed to be at high risk for developing diabetes due to genetic tests or a family history of diabetes.

During this period, data about their dietary intake was collected in food frequency surveys. Their blood was tested regularly for what is known as 'islet autoimmunity” – the development of antibodies made by the immune system that attack insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. These antibodies are considered to be a strong predictor of type 1 diabetes.

Of the 1,770 children that took part in this study, 58 children developed these antibodies.

In reviewing the results, the researchers found that at-risk children who ate a lot of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids were an amazing 55% less likely to have pancreatic islet autoimmunity (develop diabetes).

In a telephone interview, Julie Norris said “This is not the first study to show this,” “This is all omega-3 fatty acids, not just the kind that are found in fish.”

To ensure that the patients involved in this study were accurately reporting the children's food intake, Norris and her colleagues tested for the presence of omega-3 fatty acids on blood cell membranes of 244 of the children. In that group, children with omega-3 fatty acids in their blood cell membranes had a 37 percent decreased risk of having islet autoimmunity.

The omega-3 fatty acids appear to interfere with enzymes that play a role in inflammation, a potential trigger for type 1 diabetes.

According to the World Health Organization, at least 194 million people in the world have diabetes, with the number expected to rise to more than 300 million by 2025. Of this number, most people have type 2 diabetes, which is commonly linked with poor diet and lack of exercise.

Those with type 1 diabetes often must take insulin injections to control blood sugar levels – something that should be avoided for both children and adults at all costs.

Emed comment:

This was a really fascinating study that reiterates what a lot of natural health practitioners have recognised for a long time. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish and fish oil supplements do more than just improve brain function.

Omega-3 fatty acids help with concentrates, skin, hair and nail condition, healthy joint function, muscle relaxation and now, the prevention of Type 1 diabetes.

So is supplementation really needed? In a word – Yes.

Unless you are eating at least 4-6 serves a week of FRESH fish (tuna, salmon, trout  – not canned tuna), you must supplement with a fish oil.

Rather than waste your time with cheap brands from the supermarket that often contain little beneficial fatty acids, invest in a supplement like those found on Emed.

Our most popular fish oil supplement, Bioceuticals EPA/DHA, has jumped into the #1 position – because it works. It offers a good balance of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), that is well absorbed in the intestine. Basically, one EPA/DHA tablet is equivalent to SIX typical supermarket brand tablets.

Bioceuticals EPA/DHA is suitable for both adults and teenagers.

So what about the young ones in your family? OmegaCare for Kids is a liquid fish oil formulation that is basically undetectable in food. It will help your child's concentration, cognitive function and memory. It will also ensure proper joint growth and health, as well as skin and hair condition.

Further Reading: