Gymnasiums – How would you like to provide a better service for your members without carrying more stock and worrying about inventory?
What's In It for Your Gym?
Emedunderstands that most gymnasiums clubs can benefit greatly from a littlehelping hand – from a health resource – and financially.
Emed is offering a unique affiliate program to all gymnasiums in Australia. By joining our corporateaffiliate program called ECAP; your gym has the opportunity to receivevirtually unlimited ongoing financial support.
Emed’s huge range includes sporting supplements, sportingbraces, pillows, heat packs, skin care, washing powders, shampoos,protein powders, products for children and all types of naturalmedicine.
Whatever the ailment, Emed can provide a natural solution to better health.
As an Emed sponsored gym, we will give you the opportunity toraise money by recommending Emed to members of your club and the generalpublic. This may be by word-of-mouth, hand-outs, signage – it isreally up to you. And better yet, there is no contracts, no tricks –just money into your bank account.
Sounds Easy – Because It Is
Soundseasy doesn’t it? That’s because it is. The only thing you have to do isrefer your members to our website and for everypurchase they make, we will give a massive 10% of the price back toyour gym. Money for jam really.
To start raising money, the only thing your members need to dois to identify themselves as being part of your gym. We take care ofthe rest. This takes place via a drop down list at subscription. Andonce it is done, every time they log in to Emed, we know they are fromyour gym – and we will look after them as good as you would.
Your gym will receive 10% of the total purchase from eachorder. And unlike other sites, we won’t limit the number of purchases.It is a quick, easy and fool proof system that is currently beingutilized by many doctors, personal trainers, and sporting clubs around Australia. How about your gym being next to benefit?
When your members purchase products, 10% of theirpurchases will be given back to your gym. This means that virtuallyunlimited funds be rewarded to your gym for advertising that Emed isone of your sponsors.
Credits will be transferred into the club’s bank account at the end ofeach month, and a computerised summary can be sent out upon requestlisting details about the reimbursement.What could you buy for the gym with the extra funds raised?
Start Saving Now
If you decide to join the program we will give a massive 10% OFF all your gym purchases. That's sure to help the bottom line.
Rememberthis is a genuine 10% off prices that are lower than pharmacy's andhealth food stores. There is no 'discounting' of inflated prices likeyou would see in multi-level marketing schemes.
Imagine, you start saving straight away on a massive range of products including:
- Multimineral & Multivitamins
- Co-enzyme Q10
- Fish oils
- Muscle relaxants
- Liniments
- Heat packs
- Anti-inflammatories
- Pillows
- Protein powders
- Tiger balm
We will give a special code on registration, that you can use on your club purchases immediately.
No Gimmicks
We don’t believe in contracts that lock you in, and we certainly don’tlike gimmicks that promise you something then never deliver. You canopt out of this at any time – but really the system is so good, why wouldyou (or your club) want to?
Emed also doesn’t demand exclusivity; your club can have asmany other sponsors as it wants. We would like to be your majorsponsor, but that’s up to you.Depends on how many client of yours use Emed.
Raise As Much As You Need
Oursystem of club sponsorship allows your club to raise as much as youwant it to. If you choose not to advertise Emed, that is your choice.However to earn more money, people will need to name your club as thereferrer.The greater the number of your members that are aware and use Emed; thegreater your potential to raise funds for your club.
For example, if one of your club members purchases $100 ofhealth products in one month from Emed you will receive $10. However if100 people order $100 of natural medicine, braces, supports, pillowsetc., which is quite easy to do given our diversity of products, thenyour club will receive $1000 rebate. The theory is simple and yet verypowerful.
Imagine this: You are in the supermarket and don’t know whathealth product to buy, but the girl at the checkout is busy scanning 2minute noodles. Where is someone to help you decide?
Our product pagescontain comprehensive details on every aspect of that product and ifthere are any questions you would like answered on any products, youcan email Dr. Hooper or a member of the Emed team directly.
Emed offers a portal into the world of natural medicine. Wehave over 2000 pages of information, advice and products, as well ascurrent health articles, vitamin and mineral information.
Emed also offers a full section on major health ‘Conditions’; which lists many different ailments, symptoms and specific medications that can help ease these common complaints.
Emed is the first and only Australian natural medicine website to match conditions and specific medications. And with more research and products being released everyday, it is a great health resource for the members of your club.
Withthe information Emed provides, your members will be able to make aninformed choice about which natural medication is right for them, orwork in conjunction with their treating practitioner to achieve thebest possible outcome – and support the club in the process.
Simply Change Your Members Spending Habits
A huge number of people take natural medicine and buy health products everyday. Many of your members are probably buying their health products from the supermarket or health food store right now.
By referring your members to Emed, you can benefit from their spending– health related purchases that they are going to make regardless.
All you have to do is change your members’ spending habits and we will reward your club for many years into the future.
CurrentlyEmed stocks many brands but it is always evolving and growing. We areconstantly updating our brands and products every week, and are alwaysresearching new additions to the natural medicine market.If there is a product that your members would like to buy from Emed, wewill happily try to add this product to our range.
Emed is always expanding its range of sporting products, including braces, sporting supplements and recovery tools. But our objective is not to carry all the natural medicines – only the best.
So, what have You got to lose?
Join ECAP now by completing the relevant section of the subscription from.