
Something Smells Fishy – Antarctic Krill or Fish Oil?
April 11, 2016
With the rise of krill oil as a supplement it has become confusing to know whether to choose krill oil or to stick to fish oil. This article looks at both helping you choose the right product for your needs.

Telomerase Me for a Longer Life
March 4, 2016
It is known that the vast majority of premature deaths in the western world could be prevented.
The diseases that kill us (high blood pressure, heart attacks, cancer) are not pre-programmed into our genes. For most of the leading causes of death, our genes usually account for only 10â20% of risk.
The other 80-90% of risk relates to our diet and lifestyle. The typical Western diet is the number one cause of premature death and the number-one cause of disability. Another way of framing this statistic is that a long and healthy life is largely a matter of choice.

Polypharmacy – Too Much of a Bad Thing for Our Elderly!
February 12, 2016
Do you know someone who has more than four types of medication in the bathroom cabinet?
Rather than improving health outcomes, it’s a major cause for alarm – polypharmacy (the use of four or more medications by a patient) leads to an increased risk of frailty or death in our elderly as shown by research conducted by an Australian cohort.
Half of Australians over 65 years of age take at least five different types of medicine (prescription and non-prescription). Among over 75-year-olds, the numbers are even higher.
As health practitioners we need to provide better alternatives and perhaps think about reducing or stopping many medications altogether to minimise drug related problems.

Easy As ABC – Topical Vitamins For Your Skin
January 15, 2016
Taking vitamins and minerals orally has been shown to provide a vast number of health benefits. However if we want to have optimum results for the skin – think acne or anti ageing, it is time to consider alternate methods of delivery by applying some vitamins and minerals directly on to the skin.
On occasion oral ingestion is not as effective at increasing skin concentrations of vitamins and mineral as their absorption is limited by the active transport mechanisms in the gut.
The vitamins A, C, E, B3 and the mineral magnesium have all been shown to have considerable therapeutic effect when applied topically, especially in regards to acne and anti-ageing.

Stool Analysis – Providing a Spotlight on Gastrointestinal Health
December 1, 2015
While it may be uncomfortable for many of us to discuss, stool analysis has become a very important tool to determine a wide range of gastro intestinal conditions.
Stool Analysis provides an overview of the components of digestion, absorption, intestinal function and microbial flora as well as pathogenic bacteria, parasites and yeasts.
By indicating a poor digestive function and imbalanced gut flora a number of health conditions can be better understood and more tailored treatment protocols can be implemented.

Free Initial Consult – At Your Place or Ours
February 25, 2015
At Emed we like to stay at the forefront of the Natural Health industry.
We believe that no matter where you are located in Australia or around the world, you deserve access the best Natural Health Practitioners, genetic/pathology testing and products available.
Therefore we are introducing a Free Initial Consultation for new and existing members.

The Latest Arthritis Breakthrough
October 21, 2014
Arthritis Breakthrough - Is Theracurmin The Answer?
Last week there was a great story highlighting the benefits of using Curcumin to reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis.