Focus On Zinc â Not Just An Immune Nutrient
March 30, 2017
Zinc is an indispensable trace mineral playing an essential role in each and every cell.
In humans, zinc enzymes outnumber all other trace mineral-dependent enzymes combined, with over 300 zinc related mechanisms involved in normal body functioning.
Is it any wonder then that zinc is paramount in a myriad of biological processes?
Antidepressants During Pregnancy May Double Autism Risk
December 18, 2015
A study, released December 2015 has raised concerns that commonly prescribed antidepressants taken during pregnancy could substantially raise the risk of autism in the child.
The team considered potential influencing factors which are risk factors for autism. After taking these into account, the team found the use of antidepressants during the second and/or third trimester was associated with an 87 percent increased risk of ASD!
Questioning Your Thyroid
October 21, 2015
Do you think you may have an under active thyroid?
Or perhaps you suspect an over active thyroid?
This questionnaire may go some way in shedding light on whether further investigation is required.
Alternate Nostril Breathing – Just Breathe!
July 29, 2015
Are you having trouble winding down?
Do you have ‘monkey mind’ making sleep near impossible.
A technique known as alternate nostril breathing (pranayama) is a yogic breathing relaxation technique that can be used by almost anyone irrespective of age, gender or even time availability.
Fasting – Revisiting an Old Idea
July 7, 2015
It’s a contentious topic that has its supporters on both side of the fence. However fasting, in its various modes has a plethora of clinical studies to back up its introduction in reducing the signs and symptoms of a variety of conditions.
With demonstrated improvements in brain activity, cardiovascular system, mood, chronic pain conditions and gut health, sensible and supervised fasting can not be ruled out as a valid treatment adjunct in a number of conditions.
Are You a Mutant? Anxiety and MTHFR
March 13, 2015
In a honest and insightful article, journalist Elisa Black chronicled her journey with anxiety.
With a life- long experience of crippling anxiety and poor outcomes with a number of treatments, Black discovered the cause – a genetic mutation of the MTHFR gene.
Ongoing research implicates MTHFR genetic mutations for mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Supplementing with specific B vitamins could go part of the way in modulating the expression of the MTHFR gene.
Free Initial Consult – At Your Place or Ours
February 25, 2015
At Emed we like to stay at the forefront of the Natural Health industry.
We believe that no matter where you are located in Australia or around the world, you deserve access the best Natural Health Practitioners, genetic/pathology testing and products available.
Therefore we are introducing a Free Initial Consultation for new and existing members.
Men Don’t Cry! Exploring Male Depression
February 20, 2015
Unrealistic expectations placed on men is dramatically impacting their mental health in increasing and frightening numbers.
On average, 1 in 8 Australian men will have depression at some stage of their lives, however many will not get the assistance they need.
Key in managing depression is initiating healthy, all encompassing coping skills including setting realistic goals, surrounding oneself with a support system, choosing enjoyable activities and introducing a healthy lifestyle.
Are You Being Poisoned by Paracetamol?
November 12, 2014
It’s a common medicine found in most Australian households but paracetamol poisoning (both deliberate and accidental) is alarmingly on the rise.
A study released by Professor Andis Graudins of Monash University in June 2014  showed that 150 Australians are hospitalised weekly due to paracetamol poisoning. This equates to nearly 8,000 Australians yearly!
Feeding Your Feelings? Ways To Overcome Emotional Eating
February 6, 2014
Whether it’s psychological or physiological, it’s clear that foods have a powerful effect on our moods and emotions
When life gets stressful, do you find yourself reaching for the biscuit tin, or for a large bag of crisps?
Emotions have an incredible power to influence our food choices â usually in the opposite direction of healthy eating.
Using food to calm emotions can become an unhealthy coping mechanism when underlying issues desperately need addressing.