
Stretch Marks
Your skin is usually fairly elastic, but when you grow or gain weight really quickly (like during pregnancy), you may get fine lines on your body called stretch marks.
What is it?
Stretch marks are purple-red streaky scars that appear in overstretched skin. Around half of all pregnant women will develop stretch marks (striae gravidarum), usually in the third trimester, as the abdominal skin is forced to accommodate the growing uterus. Some pregnant women also develop stretch marks on the breasts, hips, buttocks and thighs. Another common cause of stretch marks is rapid weight gain. Depending on the skin type, fresh stretch marks can be pink, purple, brown or red. Over time, the stretch marks lose their bright colouring and become silvery, shimmering lines.

T.E.N.S – Your Labour Companion
All women worry about how much pain they will feel during labour and how they will cope with it.
Having a positive experience of labour is a woman’s right.
For women who prefer to make every effort to avoid pharmacologic pain relief (epidural or narcotic), TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is a safe, effective, drug-free alternative.

Managing Morning Sickness
Morning Sickness affects up to 80% of pregnant women and despite its name, can strike at any time of the day.
For most women, it will resolve after the first 3 – 4 months of pregnancy, however for some it can be ongoing and very debilitating.
In this article we take you through some simple guidelines for managing your morning sickness and keeping you in good health throughout your pregnancy!