All-Over Action

Add explosive power to your arsenal with these four whole body drills.

Build muscle and increase stamina with one fast-paced routine. Three days a week, perform this athletic sequence, courtesy of strength and conditioning coach Mike Mejia.

1. Stair Shuttle

Stand at the bottom of a staircase. Place on foot on the first step, with your opposite arm slightly bent in front of you and your other arm behind your torso and slightly bent, as if you're ready to sprint up the staircase. Begin switching your feet and arms so you're sprinting in place. Go as fast as you can for 30 seconds.

2. Agility Run

Place three cones or small objects 5 metres apart in a straight line. The first marker is  your starting point. Sprint to the nearest cone and back. Then sprint to the farthest cone and back. That's one rep. Rest 10 seconds and repeat for five reps. Mix it up to include backpedals, side-shuffles and skips.

3. Crab-Walk Push-Up

Assume the classic push-up position. Perform a push-up, then squeeze your abs forcefully and slide your right leg and right arm out to the side as far as possible. Do another push-up, then bring your left arm and leg over so you're back in the starting position. That's one rep. Do two or three reps in each direction.

4. Interrupted Chin-Ups

With an overhand grip, place your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart on a bar. Pull your cin overe the bar, then lower slowly. Perform two or three chin-ups, then rest for 10 seconds. Continue this sequence until you can no longer complete two chin-ups.